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發(fā)表時間:2018/05/02 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):4611  
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鉆井方法drilling  method  
頓鉆鉆井cable drilling
桿式頓鉆rod  tool  drilling   
繩式頓鉆cable  tool  drilling
輕便鉆井portable  drilling  
直井straight  hole  
深井deep  well
超深井super deep well   
地熱井geothermal  well  
熱采井thermal production  well  
工程井engineering  rejection well
工程報廢井a(chǎn)bandoned  well  
棄井a(chǎn)bandoned  well  
鉆井設計well design  
鉆井質(zhì)量drilling  quality  
巖石的物理機械性質(zhì)physical-mechanical  properties of rock   
礦物的微硬度  micro-hardness  of  rook 
肖氏巖石硬度  Shores  hardness  
史氏巖石硬度  Shi's  hardness
礦物的彈性模量elastic  modulus  of  mineral
巖石的彈性模量elastic  modulus  of  rock
礦物的泊松比Poissons  ratio  mineral
巖石的泊松比Poissons  ratio  rock
礦物的切變模量shear  modulus  of  mineral
巖石的切變模量shear  modulus  of  rock
礦物和巖石的體積壓縮模量bulk compressibility mineral  and  rock
巖石的體積壓縮系數(shù)coefficient of bulk compressibility mineral  and  rock
巖石的抗拉伸強度tensile strength of rock
巖石的直接拉伸試驗 direct tensile test of rock
巖石的巴西劈裂拉伸實驗Brazilian test of rock
·巖石的筒形抗內(nèi)壓脹裂試驗 burst test of hollow cyling by internal pressure
巖石的常規(guī)抗壓縮強度 compressive strength of rock
巖石的抗剪切強度 shear strength of rock
巖石的抗剪切強度試驗 shear test of rock 
巖石的三軸強度試驗 tri-axial test of rock
巖石的常規(guī)三軸試驗 ordinary tri-axial test of rock
巖石的真三軸試驗 true tri-axial test of rock
脆性巖石 brittle rock   塑性巖石plastic rock 
巖石的假塑性破壞pseudo-plastic breakage of rock
巖石塑性系數(shù)coefficient of plasticity of rock 
巖石的脆塑性轉(zhuǎn)變壓力(臨界壓力)brittle plastic transitional pressure of rock 
巖石的庫侖納維爾強度準則Conlomb-Navier strength criterion of rock
巖石的內(nèi)磨擦角和內(nèi)磨擦系數(shù)angle of interal friction and coefficient of interal friction of rock
巖石的莫爾強度準則 Mohr strength criterion of rock
巖石的格里菲斯脆性破壞準則 Griffith criterion of brittle failure of rock
統(tǒng)計強度理論statistical strength theory 
巖石的表面破碎surface fracture of rock 
巖石的疲勞破碎fatigue fracture of rock
巖石的體積破碎volumetric fracture of rock
巖石的單位體積破碎pecific volumetric fracture work of rock
地應力in situ stress
巖層的水平測向應力horizontal stress of strata 
測向系數(shù)coefficient of lateral pressure 
圍壓confining pressure    
有效應力effective stress 
壓持效應chip hold effect   
巖石硬度減低劑rock hardness reducer
巖石的可鉆性drill ability of rock  
巖石的研磨性rock abrasiveness
鉆具drilling tool   鉆柱drill stem    
復合鉆柱combination string
滿眼鉆柱packed hole assembly 
踏式鉆鋌組合tapered drill collar string
鐘擺鉆具pendulum assembly    
偏重鉆鋌  unbalanced drill collar
鉆柱彎曲buckling of drill string 
鉆具的扭轉(zhuǎn)震動twisting vibration of drill string 
鉆桿疲勞破壞fatigue-failure of drill string  
上緊矩 make-up torque
應力減輕槽stress-relief groove      
減震器vibration dampener
鉆井液drilling fluids
水基鉆井液water-base drilling fluids
淡水鉆井液fresh-water drilling fluids
低固相鉆井液low solids fluids
低固相不分散鉆井液low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids
抑制性鉆井液inhibitive drilling fluids
鹽水鉆井液salt-water drilling fluids
飽和鹽水鉆井液saturated salt-water drilling fluids
鈣處理鉆井液calcium treated drilling fluids
鉀鹽鉆井液potassium drilling fluids
混油鉆井液oil-emulsion drilling fluids
生物聚合物鉆井液biodegrability drilling fluids
油基鉆井液oil base drilling fluids
反相乳化鉆井液invert-emulsion drilling fluids
平衡活度鉆井液balanced activity drilling fluids
泡沫鉆井液foam drilling fluids        
密閉液sealing fluids
完井液completion fluids              
封隔夜packer fluids
解卡浸泡液stuck freeing spotting fluids
鉆井液性能properties of drilling fluids 
API濾失量 API filtration
高溫高壓濾失量high temperature and high pressure filtration
動濾失量dynamic filtration   
濾餅filter cake  
含砂量sand content
鉆井液固相含量solids content in drilling fluids
亞甲基蘭實驗methylene blue test
石灰含量lime content estimation
鉆井液的酚酞堿度Pm alkalinity      
濾液酚酞堿度Pt alkalinity
濾液甲基橙堿度Mf alkalinity       
破乳電壓emulsion-breaking voltage
鉆井液流變性drilling fluids rheology   
漏斗粘度funnel viscosity
觸變性thixotropic behavior           
靜切力gel strength
初切力initial gel strength            
終切力10-minuto gel strength

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