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發(fā)表時間:2015/06/02 00:00:00  來源:luoyangyun.cn  作者:luoyangyun.cn  瀏覽次數(shù):3652  
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Commercial terms 商業(yè)術(shù)語

General Terms 一般術(shù)語.

commerce, trade, trading  貿(mào)易

inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade  國內(nèi)貿(mào)易

international trade  國際貿(mào)易

foreign trade, external trade  對外貿(mào)易,外貿(mào)

terms of trade  貿(mào)易條件

free-trade area  自由貿(mào)易區(qū)

import, importation 進(jìn)口

importer  進(jìn)口商

export, exportation  出口

exporter  出口商

commercial channels  商業(yè)渠道

customs  海關(guān)

customs duty  關(guān)稅

quota  配額, 限額

item  項目 細(xì)目

commercial transaction  買賣交易

manufacturer  制造商 制造廠

middleman  中間人, 中間商

dealer  經(jīng)銷商

wholesaler  批發(fā)商

retailer  零售商

tradesman  零售商

merchant  商人,批發(fā)商, 店主

concessionaire, licensed dealer  受讓人,特許權(quán)獲得者

consumer  消費(fèi)者.

client, customer 客戶

buyer   買主

stocks  庫存

purchase 購買

sale  出售

bulk sale  整批出售

wholesale  批發(fā)

retail trade 零售業(yè)

cash sale  現(xiàn)貨

hire-purchase(installment plan)分期付款購買

competition  競爭

competitor  競爭者

competitive  競爭的

unfair competition  不合理競爭

dumping profit margin  傾銷差價,傾銷輻度

trademark  商標(biāo)

registered trademark  注冊商標(biāo)

registered office, head office  總公司 總店 

Market 市場

home market  國內(nèi)市場

open market  公開市場

black market  黑市

marketing  行銷,賣買, 銷售業(yè)務(wù),市場調(diào)查

consumption  消費(fèi),消費(fèi)量

demand  需求,需求量

outlet  銷路

offer  報盤,發(fā)價

monopoly  壟斷

Management and organization  組織管理

foresight, forecast  預(yù)測,

budget  預(yù)算

plan  計劃

planning  計劃編制

programme  計劃,方案(美作:program)

estimation, estimate, valuation  估價

Accounting 會計結(jié)算

accountant  會計師

bookkeeping  薄記

bookkeeper  薄記員,薄記師

double-entry bookkeeping  復(fù)式薄記

single-entry bookkeeping  單式薄記

account book  會計,帳薄

cashbook  現(xiàn)金出納薄


statement of accounts  帳目表 賬單

balance (sheet) 資產(chǎn)平穩(wěn)表

financial year, trading year  財政年度

income and expenditure, receipts and expenditure, output and input 支出和收入

assets 資產(chǎn)

liabilities  債務(wù), 負(fù)債

debit  借方

turnover, volume of business  營業(yè)額, 銷售額

cash on hand  留存現(xiàn)金, 庫存現(xiàn)金

cash balance  現(xiàn)金余額,現(xiàn)款結(jié)存

credit balance 貸方余額

debit balance  借方余額, 借方差額

deficit  虧空

balance of trade  留易差額, 國際留易平衡表

balance of payments  (國際)收支 國際收支差額表

Price 價格

cost price  成本價

factory price, manufacturer's price  出廠價

net price  凈價,實(shí)價

price free on board  船上交貨價

purchase price  買價,進(jìn)貨價格

sale price  賣價,銷售價格

wholesale price  批發(fā)價

retail price  零售價

fixed price  固定價格

guaranteed price  保證價格

cash price  現(xiàn)貸價格, 現(xiàn)金價格

market price 市場價

preferential price  優(yōu)惠價

piece price, unit price  單位價格,單價.

price control  物價控制, 價格控制

maximum price, ceiling price  最高價

minimum price  最低價

prime cost, first cost, first price, initial cost, initial price 最初成本

price freeze  價格凍結(jié)

price fixing  限價,限定價格.

price index  物價指數(shù)

price fall  價格下降

rise in price  價格上漲

on a lump-sum basis  一次(整筆)總付的方法.

all-inclusive  總括

Payment 支付

sum  總數(shù), 全額

amount  數(shù)量, 總計

bill  匯票 (美作:check)

bill of exchange  匯票

promissory note  本票,期票

pro forma invoice 估價單,估價發(fā)票

voucher  憑單,收據(jù)

receipt  收據(jù)

advance (payment)  預(yù)付款項

cash payment  現(xiàn)多付款

deferred payment, payment by instalments 延期付款

cash on delivery  交貨付現(xiàn), 貨到付款

down payment  預(yù)付定金

monthly payment  月度付款

payment in kind  以實(shí)物付款

payment in specie  以期真正形式付款

refund, repayment  歸還,調(diào)還證券

payment in arrears, outstanding payment  拖欠款項

remuneration  報酬

compensation 補(bǔ)償 賠償

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