法律常見詞匯大全-中英對照(二) | |
發(fā)起人:eging 回復數(shù):0 瀏覽數(shù):4342 最后更新:2019/12/5 6:34:48 by eging |
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eging 發(fā)表于 2019/12/5 6:34:50
法律常見詞匯大全-中英對照(二) 1. 法定語言 legal language
2. 法定主管當局 statuory authority 3. 法官法 judges law 4. 法官考評委員會 committee for the examination and appraisal of judges 5. 法規(guī) laws and regulations 6. 法紀 Law and Discipline 7. 法紀監(jiān)督 supervision over legal discipline 8. 法理背景 jurisprudential background 9. 法理背景 jurisprudential base 10. 法理學 jurisprudence 11. 法令 decree 12. 法律程序文件 written process 13. 法律沖突 conflict of laws 14. 法律服務所 Legal Service Office 15. 法律概念 legal concept 16. 法律顧問處 Legal Consultant Office 17. 法律后果 legal effect 18. 法律解釋權 power of law interpretation 19. 法律面前人人平等 equality before the law 20. 法律上的財產(chǎn)處分 legal disposition of property 21. 法律上的能力 legal capacity 22. 法律效果 legal effect 23. 法律行律 juristic act 24. 法律行為 act under the law 25. 法律性 legality 26. 法律性文獻 legal document 27. 法律虛無主義 legal nihilism 28. 法律依據(jù) legal basis 29. 法律制裁 legal sanctions 30. 法律制度 structure of the law 31. 法人 legal person 32. 法人代表 legal representative 33. 法人單位 legal entity 34. 法人委托書 power of attorney 35. 法庭程序文件 process of court 36. 法團公司 incorporated company 37. 法系地區(qū) relevant law area 38. 法學派別 School of Legal Scholare 39. 法學研究所 Institute of Law 40. 法醫(yī) medicolegal 41. 法院 court 42. 法院組織法 organic law of the courts 43. 法制委員會 Commission on Legislation Affairs 44. 翻新 revision 45. 反駁 disprove 46. 反對通知書 notice of objection 47. 反革命宣傳煽動罪 crime of counter revolutionary propaganda and incitement 48. 反革命罪 crime of counter-revolution 49. 反悔 repudiate, resile 50. 反訴 counter-claim 51. 反要約 counter offer 52. 反走私 anti-smuggling 53. 返還 restitution 54. 返還性損害賠償金 restitutionary damages 55. 犯 commit 56. 犯人 convict 57. 犯罪分子 offender 58. 犯罪客觀方面 objective aspect of crime 59. 犯罪客體 object of crime 60. 犯罪事實 particulars of offense 61. 犯罪心意 mens rea 62. 犯罪行為 actus reus 63. 犯罪中止 discontinuation of a crime 64. 犯罪主觀 subject of crime 65. 犯罪主觀方面 subjective aspect of crime 66. 販賣毒品 crime of drug trafficking 67. 販賣假藥罪 crime of selling bogus medicines 68. 販**穢物品罪 crime of selling pornographic articles 69. 販運偽造的國家貨幣罪 crime of trafficking in counterfeit national currency 70. 方便與公平的原則 principles of convenience and fairness 71. 防城各族自治縣 Fangcheng Ge Nationality Autonomous County 72. 防止性禁制令 prohibitory injunction 73. 妨礙 pervert 74. 妨礙司法公正 interfere with the couse of justice 75. 妨礙司法公正 obstruction of justice 76. 妨害公務罪 crime of interference with public administration 77. 妨害公務罪 crime of interference with state functions 78. 妨害社會管理秩序罪 crime of disrupting the order of social administration 79. 妨害他人婚姻家庭罪 crime of disrupting marriage and the family 80. 房款憑證 evidence of purchasing money for real estate 81. 房屋的產(chǎn)權 property right in real estate 82. 房屋估價單 home appraisal report 83. 房屋繼承 successor in title,transferee in real estate, transferee mottoes 84. 放火罪 crime of arson 85. 放棄 relinguish 86. 放棄 waive 87. 放行條 release pass 88. 非法 unlawful 89. 非法 illegal 90. 非法查封 unlawful foreclosure 91. 非法查封財產(chǎn) unlawfully seal up property 92. 非法逮捕拘禁或搜身 , unlawful arrest, detention, and search 93. 非法的告發(fā) wrongful prosecution 94. 非法的檢舉 wrongful prosecution 95. 非法購買 illegally purchasing 96. 非法拘禁罪 crime of unlawful detention 97. 非法同居關系 cohabiting unlawfully 98. 非法制造槍支及彈藥罪 crime of illegally manufacturing firearms and ammunition 99. 非法轉讓 unlawful assignment 100. 非婚生子女 illegimate child 101. 非專業(yè)人士 lay persons 102. 誹謗 defame 103. 廢除 repeal 104. 分割 partition 105. 分居 live separate and apart 106. 分離 severance 107. 分期付款 installment payment 108. 分期付款 by instalment 109. 分期支付 by instalment 110. 分權共有人 co-owner 111. 分權學說 doctrine of separation of powers 112. 分攤 apportion 113. 分灶吃飯重點建設 key construction projects 114. 分租 sub-lease 115. 紛爭的解決 settlement to disputes 116. 豐寧滿族自治縣 Fengning Manchu Autonomous Region 117. 風險投資 venture capital 118. 封宗法主意思想 feudal legal thought 119. 否定 repudiate 120. 否決權 veto power 121. 否認 deny 122. 否認立約 non est factum 123. 夫妻 spouse 124. 夫妻感情 goodwill as between spouses 125. 夫妻共同所有財產(chǎn) joint property of the spouses 126. 夫妻關系 spousal relationship 127. 夫妻關系中的子女 a child of a union of concubinage 128. 夫妻間有互相扶養(yǎng)的義務 mutual obligation between spouses for maintenance of one another 129. 夫妻名義 pugitive spouses 130. 夫妻身份 spousal relationship 131. 夫妻在婚姻關系存續(xù)期間 while a spousal relationship subsists 132. 扶養(yǎng)的義務 mutual maintenance support obligation 133. 扶養(yǎng)費 maintenance 134. 符號 sign 135. 福利社會 welfare society 136. 撫養(yǎng) foster 137. 撫養(yǎng)費 cost of maintenance 138. 撫養(yǎng)關系的繼父子 foster father and son relationship 139. 父母權 parental right 140. 付購 re-purchase 141. 付清余款 paid the residual balance 142. 負責 be responsible 143. 附帶民事訴訟 supplementary civil action 144. 附件 Appendix 145. 附錄 Appendix 146. 附屬公司 subsidiary 147. 附屬于 collateral to 148. 阜新蒙古族自治縣 Fuxin Mongolia Autonomous Country 149. 復合氨基酸 compound amino acid 150. 復核審法院 Court of Review 151. 復息 compound interest 152. 復議 review 153. 復員費 decommission pay 154. 復員軍人 demobilized serviceman 155. 副檢察長 Deputy Chief Procuratoy 156. 富川瑤族自治縣 Fuchuan Yao Nationality Autonomous 157. 改過自新 remorse and reform 158. 蓋章 seal 159. 干部 cadre 160. 干擾 disturb 161. 干擾證人 interfere with a witness 162. 干預 intervention 163. 肝炎 hepatitis 164. 感化 influence 165. 感情破裂 loss of affection 166. 港幣發(fā)行權 authority to issue Hong Kong currency 167. 革委會 revolutionary committee 168. 格式合同 standard form of contract 169. 個人財產(chǎn) personal property 170. 個體戶 individual household 171. 個體勞動者所有權 individual worker's ownership 172. 各級 at different levels 173. 各級地方政府 local government at several levels 174. 各盡所能 from each according to his ability 175. 各省 of all provinces 176. 給予 assign 177. 給予適當?shù)慕?jīng)濟幫助 render suitable financial assistance 178. 給予援助令狀 Writ of Assistance 179. 根本法律 fundamental law 180. 根據(jù)成文法推定的默示條款 terms implied by legislation 181. 根據(jù)法院判決推定的默示條款 terms implied by courts 182. 根據(jù)慣例推定的默示條款 terms implied by usage 183. 根據(jù)婚姻法的規(guī)定 according to Marriage Law provisions 184. 更改 alter 185. 更換 replacement 186. 工礦產(chǎn)品合同試行條例 The Trial Implementing Regulations on Contracts of Industrial and Mineral Product 187. 工礦區(qū) industrial and mining district 188. 工農(nóng)聯(lián)盟 Alliance of Workers and Peasants 189. 工商統(tǒng)一稅 unified industrial-commercial tax 190. 工作場所 work place 191. 公安 Public Security Officers 192. 公安部 Ministry of Public Security 193. 公安部法規(guī)局 The Bureau of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Public Security 194. 公安處 Public Security Office 195. 公安機關 Public Security Organs 196. 公安機關行政處罰決定 Public Security Penalty Decision 197. 公安局 Public Security Bureau 198. 公安派出所 local police station 199. 公安人員 Public Security Officers 200. 公共開支 public expenditure |
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