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臺(tái)灣保險(xiǎn)法翻譯模板(第一部分 中英文)

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臺(tái)灣保險(xiǎn)法翻譯模板(第一部分 中英文)



  民國99 年02 月01 日修正 ( 2010.02.01 Amended )

  目次 Contents

  第一章總則Chapter I. General Principles

  第一節(jié)定義及分類Section 1. Definitions and Categories

  第二節(jié)保險(xiǎn)利益Section 2. Insurable Interest

  第三節(jié)保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)Section 3. Premiums

  第四節(jié)保險(xiǎn)人之責(zé)任Section 4. Obligations of the Insurer

  第五節(jié)復(fù)保險(xiǎn)Section 5. Double Insurance

  第六節(jié)再保險(xiǎn)Section 6. Reinsurance

  第二章保險(xiǎn)契約Chapter II. Insurance Contracts

  第一節(jié)通則Section 1. General Provisions

  第二節(jié)基本條款Section 2. Basic Provisions

  第三節(jié)特約條款Section 3. Special Provisions

  第三章財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn)Chapter III. Non-life Insurance

  第一節(jié)火災(zāi)保險(xiǎn)Section 1. Fire Insurance

  第二節(jié)海上保險(xiǎn)Section 2. Marine Insurance

  第三節(jié)陸空保險(xiǎn)Section 3. Land and Air Insurance

  第四節(jié)責(zé)任保險(xiǎn)Section 4. Liability Insurance

  第四節(jié)之一保證保險(xiǎn)Section 4-1. Bonding Insurance

  第五節(jié)其它財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn)Section 5. Other Non-life Insurance

  第四章人身保險(xiǎn)Chapter IV. Insurance of the Person

  第一節(jié)人壽保險(xiǎn)Section 1. Life Insurance

  第二節(jié)健康保險(xiǎn)Section 2. Health Insurance

  第三節(jié)傷害保險(xiǎn)Section 3. Personal Injury Insurance

  第四節(jié)年金保險(xiǎn)Section 4. Annuity Insurance

  第五章保險(xiǎn)業(yè)Chapter V. Insurance Enterprises

  第一節(jié)通則Section 1. General Provisions

  第二節(jié)保險(xiǎn)公司Section 2. Insurance Companies

  第三節(jié)保險(xiǎn)合作社Section 3. Insurance Cooperatives

  第四節(jié)保險(xiǎn)業(yè)代理人、經(jīng)紀(jì)人、公證人Section 4. Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Surveyors

  第四節(jié)之一同業(yè)公會(huì)Section 4-1. Trade associations

  第五節(jié)罰則Section 5. Penal Provisions

  第六章附則Chapter VI. Supplementary Provisions

  第一章總則Chapter I. General Principles

  第一節(jié)定義及分類Section 1. Definitions and Categories

  第1 條本法所稱保險(xiǎn),謂當(dāng)事人約定,一方交付保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)于他方,他方對(duì)于因不可預(yù)料,或不可抗力之事故所致之損害,負(fù)擔(dān)賠償財(cái)物之行為。根據(jù)前項(xiàng)所訂之契約,稱為保險(xiǎn)契約。

  Article 1 The term "insurance" as used in this Act means an act whereby the parties concerned agree that one party pays a premium to the other party, and the other party is liable for pecuniary indemnification for damage caused by unforeseeable events or force majeure. A contract entered into on the basis of the preceding paragraph is called an "insurance contract."

  第2 條本法所稱保險(xiǎn)人,指經(jīng)營保險(xiǎn)事業(yè)之各種組織,在保險(xiǎn)契約成立時(shí),有保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)之請(qǐng)求權(quán); 在承保危險(xiǎn)事故發(fā)生時(shí),依其承保之責(zé)任,負(fù)擔(dān)賠償之義務(wù)。

  Article 2 The term "insurer" as used in this Act means any of various organizations engaged in the business of insurance that has the right to claim a premium upon entering into an insurance contract and is liable for indemnification, in accordance with the contracted insurance obligations, when an insured peril occurs.

  第3 條本法所稱要保人,指對(duì)保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的具有保險(xiǎn)利益,向保險(xiǎn)人申請(qǐng)訂立保險(xiǎn)契約,并負(fù)有交付保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)義務(wù)之人。

  Article 3 The term "proposer" as used in this Act means a person having an insurable interest in the subject matter insured who applies to an insurer to enter into an insurance contract and is obligated to pay a premium.

  第4 條本法所稱被保險(xiǎn)人,指于保險(xiǎn)事故發(fā)生時(shí),遭受損害,享有賠償請(qǐng)求權(quán)之人;要保人亦得為被保險(xiǎn)人。

  Article 4 The term "insured" as used in this Act means a person who, upon incurring damage as the result of an insured peril, enjoys the right to claim indemnification. A proposer may also be the insured.

  第5 條本法所稱受益人,指被保險(xiǎn)人或要保人約定享有賠償請(qǐng)求權(quán)之人,要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人均得為受益人。

  Article 5 The term "beneficiary" as used in this Act means a person stipulated by the insured or the proposer as the person who enjoys the right to claim indemnification. A proposer or insured may also be a beneficiary.

  第6 條本法所稱保險(xiǎn)業(yè),指依本法組織登記,以經(jīng)營保險(xiǎn)為業(yè)之機(jī)構(gòu)。

  Article 6 The term "insurance enterprise" as used in this Act means an entity organized and registered pursuant to this Act and engaged in insurance business.

  第7 條本法所稱外國保險(xiǎn)業(yè),指依外國法律組織登記,并經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)許可,在臺(tái)灣境內(nèi)經(jīng)營保險(xiǎn)為業(yè)之機(jī)構(gòu)。


  Article 7 The term "foreign insurance enterprise" as used in this Act means an entity organized and registered pursuant to foreign law and engaged in insurance business in the Republic of China with permission from the competent authority.

  The term "responsible person of an insurance enterprise" as used in this Act means a person who shall be held responsible in accordance with the Company Act or the Cooperative Act.

  第8 條 本法所稱保險(xiǎn)代理人,指根據(jù)代理契約或授權(quán)書,向保險(xiǎn)人收取費(fèi)用,并代理經(jīng)營業(yè)務(wù)之人。

  Article 8 The term "insurance agent" as used in this Act means a person who, on the basis of a contract of agency or a letter of authorization, collects remuneration from an insurer and acts as a business agent on the insurer's behalf.

  第8-1 條本法所稱保險(xiǎn)業(yè)務(wù)員,指為保險(xiǎn)業(yè)、保險(xiǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)人公司、保險(xiǎn)代理人公司,從事保險(xiǎn)招攬之人。

  Article 8-1 The term "insurance solicitor" as used in this Act means a person who solicits insurance business on behalf of an insurance enterprise, an insurance broker company, or an insurance agent company.

  第9 條本法所稱保險(xiǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)人,指基于被保險(xiǎn)人之利益,洽訂保險(xiǎn)契約或提供相關(guān)服務(wù),而收取傭金或報(bào)酬之人。

  Article 9 The term "insurance broker" as used in this Act means a person who, on the basis of the interests of the insured, negotiates an insurance contract or provides related services and collects a

  commission or remuneration.

  第10 條本法所稱公證人,指向保險(xiǎn)人或被保險(xiǎn)人收取費(fèi)用,為其辦理保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之查勘,鑒定及估價(jià)與賠款之理算、洽商,而予證明之人。

  Article 10 The term "surveyor" as used in this Act means a person who collects remuneration from the insurer or the insured, and on behalf of the hiring party inspects, assesses, and appraises the subject matter insured, adjusts and negotiates indemnification, and gives attestation thereof.

  第11 條本法所定各種準(zhǔn)備金,包括責(zé)任準(zhǔn)備金、未滿期保費(fèi)準(zhǔn)備金、特別準(zhǔn)備金、賠款準(zhǔn)備金及其它經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)規(guī)定之準(zhǔn)備金。

  Article 11 The reserve funds set out in this Act include policy reserves, unearned premium reserves, special reserves, loss reserves, and other reserve funds as may be specified by the competent authority.

  第12 條本法所稱主管機(jī)關(guān)為行政院金融監(jiān)督管理委員會(huì)。但保險(xiǎn)合作社除其經(jīng)營之業(yè)務(wù),以行政院金融監(jiān)督管理委員會(huì)為主管機(jī)關(guān)外,其社務(wù)以合作社之主管機(jī)關(guān)為主管機(jī)關(guān)。

  Article 12 The term "competent authority" as used in this Act means the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan. However, in the case of insurance cooperatives, the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan is the competent authority for the business operated by the cooperatives, while the competent authority in charge of cooperatives is the competent authority for the administrative affairs of the cooperatives.

  第13 條保險(xiǎn)分為財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn)及人身保險(xiǎn)。財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn),包括火災(zāi)保險(xiǎn)、海上保險(xiǎn)、陸空保險(xiǎn)、責(zé)任保險(xiǎn)、保證保險(xiǎn)及經(jīng)主管機(jī)關(guān)核準(zhǔn)之其它保險(xiǎn)。人身保險(xiǎn),包括人壽保險(xiǎn)、健康保險(xiǎn)、傷害保險(xiǎn)及年金保險(xiǎn)。

  Article 13 Insurance is categorized into non-life insurance and insurance of the person.

  Non-life insurance includes fire insurance, marine insurance, land and air insurance, liability insurance, bonding insurance, and any other type of insurance approved by the competent authority. Insurance of the person includes life insurance, health insurance, personal injury insurance, and annuities.

  第二節(jié)保險(xiǎn)利益Section 2. Insurable Interest

  第14 條要保人對(duì)于財(cái)產(chǎn)上之現(xiàn)有利益,或因財(cái)產(chǎn)上之現(xiàn)有利益而生之期待利益,有保險(xiǎn)利益。

  Article 14 A proposer has an insurable interest in current interest in a property, or expected future interest deriving from current interest in a property.

  第15 條運(yùn)送人或保管人對(duì)于所運(yùn)送或保管之貨物,以其所負(fù)之責(zé)任為限,有保險(xiǎn)利益。

  Article 15 A transporter or custodian of goods has an insurable interest in goods that it transports or keeps in custody, within the extent to which the transporter or custodian bears liability for the goods.

  第16 條要保人對(duì)于左列各人之生命或身體,有保險(xiǎn)利益。

  Article 16 A proposer has an insurable interest in the life or body of any of the following persons:


  1. The proposer or the proposer's family members. 2. Persons upon whom the proposer depends for living expenses or educational expenses. 3. The proposer's obligors. 4. Persons who manage the proposer's assets or interests on the proposer's behalf.

  第17 條要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人,對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物無保險(xiǎn)利益者,保險(xiǎn)契約失其效力。

  Article 17 If the proposer or insured has no insurable interest in the subject matter insured, the insurance contract shall become void.

  第18 條被保險(xiǎn)人死亡或保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物所有權(quán)移轉(zhuǎn)時(shí),保險(xiǎn)契約除另有訂定外,仍為繼承人或受讓人之利益而存在。

  Article 18 If the insured dies or ownership of the subject matter insured is transferred, the insurance contract remains valid for the benefit of the heir or the transferee unless otherwise stipulated in the contract.

  第19 條合伙人或共有人聯(lián)合為被保險(xiǎn)人時(shí),其中一人或數(shù)人讓與保險(xiǎn)利益于他人者,保險(xiǎn)契約不因之而失效。

  Article 19 When partners or co-owners are jointly insured, the assignment of one or more insured persons' insurable interest to another does not void the insurance contract.

  第20 條凡基于有效契約而生之利益,亦得為保險(xiǎn)利益。

  Article 20 Any interest deriving from an in-force contract may also be an insurable interest.

  第三節(jié)保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)Section 3. Premiums

  第21 條保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)分一次交付,及分期交付兩種。保險(xiǎn)契約規(guī)定一次交付,或分期交付之第一期保險(xiǎn)費(fèi),應(yīng)于契約生效前交付之;但保險(xiǎn)契約簽訂時(shí),保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)未能確定者,不在此限。

  Article 21 Premiums are categorized into two kinds: those to be paid in a lump sum, and those to be paid in installments. A lump-sum premium, if such is stipulated in the insurance contract, or the first installment of the premium, shall be paid before the contract takes effect. However, this requirement does not apply where the premium has not yet been determined at the time the insurance contract is entered into.

  第22 條保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)應(yīng)由要保人依契約規(guī)定交付。信托業(yè)依信托契約有交付保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)義務(wù)者,保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)應(yīng)由信托業(yè)代為交付之。要保人為他人利益訂立之保險(xiǎn)契約,保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于要保人所得為之抗辯,亦得以之對(duì)抗受益人。

  Article 22 Premium shall be paid by the proposer in accordance with the provisions of the insurance contract. Where a trust enterprise is obligated under a trust agreement to pay the insurance premiums, the trust enterprise shall pay the insurance premiums in the proposer's stead.

  When a proposer enters into an insurance contract for the benefit of another person, the insurer may raise the same defense against the beneficiary that it may raise against the proposer.

  第23 條以同一保險(xiǎn)利益,同一保險(xiǎn)事故,善意訂立數(shù)個(gè)保險(xiǎn)契約,其保險(xiǎn)金額之總額超過保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之價(jià)值者,在危險(xiǎn)發(fā)生前,要保人得依超過部份,要求比例返還保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。保險(xiǎn)契約因第三十七條之情事而無效時(shí),保險(xiǎn)人于不知情之時(shí)期內(nèi),仍取得保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。

  Article 23 If multiple insurance contracts entered into in good faith cover the same insurable interest and the same insured event, and the total insured amount exceeds the value of the subject matter insured, the proposer may, prior to occurrence of the risk, claim a refund of the premium in proportion to the excess value. If an insurance contract becomes void due to the circumstances set

  forth in Article 37, the insurer may still collect premium during the period in which the insurer is unaware that the contract has become void.

  第24 條保險(xiǎn)契約因第五十一條第二項(xiàng)之情事,而保險(xiǎn)人不受拘束時(shí),保險(xiǎn)人得請(qǐng)求償還費(fèi)用。其已收受之保險(xiǎn)費(fèi),無須返還。保險(xiǎn)契約因第五十一條第三項(xiàng)之情事而要保人不受拘束時(shí), 保險(xiǎn)人不得請(qǐng)求保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)及償還費(fèi)用。其已收受者,應(yīng)返還之。保險(xiǎn)契約因第六十條或第八十一條之情事而終止,或部份終止時(shí),除保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)非以時(shí)間為計(jì)算基礎(chǔ)者外,終止后之保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)已交付者,應(yīng)返還之。

  Article 24 If an insurer is not bound by an insurance contract because of circumstances set forth in Article 51, paragraph 2, the insurer may claim reimbursement of expenses. Premium already collected need not be refunded. If a proposer is not bound by an insurance contract because of circumstances set forth in Article 51, paragraph 3, the insurer may not claim payment of premium or reimbursement of expenses; where already collected, they shall be refunded. If an insurance contract is terminated or partially terminated because of circumstances set forth in Article 60 or Article 81, premium paid for the period subsequent to termination shall be refunded, except where the premium is not calculated on the basis of time.

  第25 條保險(xiǎn)契約因第六十四條第二項(xiàng)之情事而解除時(shí),保險(xiǎn)人無須返還其已收受之保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。

  Article 25 If an insurance contract is rescinded because of circumstances set forth in Article 64, paragraph 2, the insurer need not refund premium already collected.

  第26 條保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)依保險(xiǎn)契約所載增加危險(xiǎn)之特別情形計(jì)算者,其情形在契約存續(xù)期內(nèi)消滅時(shí),要保人得按訂約時(shí)保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)率,自其情形消滅時(shí)起算,請(qǐng)求比例減少保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于前項(xiàng)減少保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)不同意時(shí),要保人得終止契約。其終止后之保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)已交付者,應(yīng)返還之。

  Article 26 Where premium is calculated based on special circumstances pertaining to increased risk as stipulated in the insurance contract, and such circumstances cease to exist during the term of the contract, the proposer may demand a pro rata reduction of premium based on the premium rate at the time the contract was entered into, to apply from the time the circumstances ceased to exist. If the insurer does not agree to a reduction of premium as set forth in the preceding paragraph, the proposer may terminate the contract, and any premium paid for the period subsequent to termination shall be refunded.

  第27 條保險(xiǎn)人破產(chǎn)時(shí),保險(xiǎn)契約于破產(chǎn)宣告之日終止,其終止后之保險(xiǎn)費(fèi),已交付者,保險(xiǎn)人應(yīng)返還之。

  Article 27 If an insurer becomes bankrupt, its insurance contracts terminate on the day that bankruptcy is adjudicated, and any premium paid for the period subsequent to termination shall be refunded by the insurer.

  第28 條要保人破產(chǎn)時(shí),保險(xiǎn)契約仍為破產(chǎn)債權(quán)人之利益而存在,但破產(chǎn)管理人或保險(xiǎn)人得于破產(chǎn)宣告三個(gè)月內(nèi)終止契約。其終止后之保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)已交付者,應(yīng)返還之。

  Article 28 If a proposer becomes bankrupt, the insurance contract remains valid for the benefit of the creditors of the bankrupt party. However, the bankruptcy trustee or insurer may terminate the contract within three months from the day of the bankruptcy adjudication. Any premium paid for the period subsequent to termination shall be refunded.

  第四節(jié)保險(xiǎn)人之責(zé)任Section 4. Obligations of the Insurer

  第29 條保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于由不可預(yù)料或不可抗力之事故所致之損害,負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。但保險(xiǎn)契約內(nèi)有明文限制者,不在此限。保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于由要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人之過失所致之損害,負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。但出于要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人之故意者,不在此限。

  Article 29 An insurer is liable to indemnify for damage caused by unforeseeable events or force majeure. However, this requirement is not applicable when limitations are expressly stated in the insurance contract. An insurer is liable to indemnify for damage caused by the fault of the proposer or insured. However, this rule is not applicable to loss caused by a willful act of the proposer or insured.

  第30 條保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于因履行道德上之義務(wù)所致之損害,應(yīng)負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。

  Article 30 An insurer shall be liable to indemnify for damage caused by the fulfillment of a moral obligation.

  第31 條保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于因要保人,或被保險(xiǎn)人之受雇人,或其所有之物或動(dòng)物所致之損害,應(yīng)負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。

  Article 31 An insurer shall be liable to indemnify for damage caused by employees, objects, or animals of the proposer or the insured.

  第32 條保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于因戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)所致之損害,除契約有相反之訂定外,應(yīng)負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。

  Article 32 The insurer shall be liable to indemnify for damage caused by war unless the insurance contract stipulates otherwise.

  第33 條保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人,為避免或減輕損害之必要行為所生之費(fèi)用,負(fù)償還之責(zé)。其償還數(shù)額與賠償金額,合計(jì)雖超過保險(xiǎn)金額,仍應(yīng)償還。保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于前項(xiàng)費(fèi)用之償還,以保險(xiǎn)金額對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之價(jià)值比例定之。

  Article 33 The insurer is liable to reimburse the proposer or insured for expenses resulting from any necessary action taken to avoid or mitigate damage. Even if the combined total of reimbursement and indemnification exceeds the total insured amount, the insurer shall pay the full combined amount. When an insurer makes reimbursement for expenses referred to in the preceding paragraph, such reimbursement is to be determined according to the ratio of the insured amount to the value of the subject matter insured.

  第34 條保險(xiǎn)人應(yīng)于要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人交齊證明文件后,于約定期限內(nèi)給付賠償金額。無約定期限者,應(yīng)于接到通知后十五日內(nèi)給付之。保險(xiǎn)人因可歸責(zé)于自己之事由致未在前項(xiàng)規(guī)定期限內(nèi)為給付者,應(yīng)給付遲延利息年利一分。

  Article 34 After a proposer or insured has submitted all supporting documents for a claim, the insurer shall pay indemnification within the stipulated time period. Where no time period has been stipulated, payment shall be effected within 15 days from receipt of notification. If, for reasons attributable to itself, the insurer fails to make payment within the time period referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall pay default interest at the rate of 10% per annum.

  第五節(jié)復(fù)保險(xiǎn)Section 5. Double Insurance

  第35 條復(fù)保險(xiǎn),謂要保人對(duì)于同一保險(xiǎn)利益,同一保險(xiǎn)事故,與數(shù)保險(xiǎn)人分別訂立數(shù)個(gè)保險(xiǎn)之契約行為。

  第36 條復(fù)保險(xiǎn),除另有約定外,要保人應(yīng)將他保險(xiǎn)人之名稱及保險(xiǎn)金額通知各保險(xiǎn)人。

  第37 條要保人故意不為前條之通知,或意圖不當(dāng)?shù)美鵀閺?fù)保險(xiǎn)者,其契約無效。

  Article 35 The term "double insurance" means an act of contracting whereby a proposer separately enters into multiple insurance contracts with multiple insurers covering the same insurable interest and the same insured event.

  Article 36 In double insurance, a proposer shall, unless otherwise stipulated, notify each insurer of the names of the other insurers and the amounts insured thereby.

  Article 37 If a proposer willfully fails to make the notification referred to in the preceding Article, or obtains double insurance with the intent to acquire undue profit, the contract shall be void.

  第38 條善意之復(fù)保險(xiǎn),其保險(xiǎn)金額之總額超過保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之價(jià)值者,除另有約定外,各保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之全部?jī)r(jià)值,僅就其所保金額負(fù)比例分擔(dān)之責(zé)。但賠償總額,不得超過保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之價(jià)值。

  Article 38 Where double insurance has been obtained in good faith and the total insured amount exceeds the value of the subject matter insured, each insurer, unless otherwise stipulated, is liable only to provide a share of the indemnification for the total value of the subject matter insured pro rata to the amount it has insured. However, the total indemnification may not exceed the value of the subject matter insured.

  第六節(jié)再保險(xiǎn)Section 6. Reinsurance

  第39 條再保險(xiǎn),謂保險(xiǎn)人以其所承保之危險(xiǎn),轉(zhuǎn)向他保險(xiǎn)人為保險(xiǎn)之契約行為。

  第40 條原保險(xiǎn)契約之被保險(xiǎn)人,對(duì)于再保險(xiǎn)人無賠償請(qǐng)求權(quán)。但原保險(xiǎn)契約及再保險(xiǎn)契約另有約定者,不在此限。

  第41 條再保險(xiǎn)人不得向原保險(xiǎn)契約之要保人請(qǐng)求交付保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。

  第42 條原保險(xiǎn)人不得以再保險(xiǎn)人不履行再保險(xiǎn)金額給付之義務(wù)為理由,拒絕或延遲履行其對(duì)于被保險(xiǎn)人之義務(wù)。

  Article 39 The term "reinsurance" means an act of contracting whereby an insurer effects insurance with another insurer to cede risk that it has insured.

  Article 40 The insured of the original insurance contract has no right to claim indemnification from a reinsurer. However, this restriction does not apply where otherwise provided by the original insurance contract or the reinsurance contract.

  Article 41 A reinsurer may not claim payment of premium from the proposer of the original insurance contract.

  Article 42 An original insurer may not refuse or delay fulfillment of its obligations to the insured on the grounds that a reinsurer has failed to fulfill its obligation to make reinsurance payment.

  第二章保險(xiǎn)契約Chapter II. Insurance Contracts

  第一節(jié)通則Section 1. General Provisions

  第43 條保險(xiǎn)契約,應(yīng)以保險(xiǎn)單或暫保單為之。

  第44 條保險(xiǎn)契約,由保險(xiǎn)人于同意要保人聲請(qǐng)后簽訂。利害關(guān)系人,均得向保險(xiǎn)人請(qǐng)求保險(xiǎn)契約之謄本。

  Article 43 An insurance contract shall be made in the form of a policy or a binder.

  Article 44 An insurance contract is to be signed and executed by the insurer after it agrees to an application submitted by the proposer. Any interested party may request a copy of the insurance contract from the insurer.

  第45 條要保人得不經(jīng)委任,為他人之利益訂立保險(xiǎn)契約。受益人有疑義時(shí),推定要保人為自己之利益而訂立。

  第46 條保險(xiǎn)契約由代理人訂立者,應(yīng)載明代訂之意旨。

  第47 條保險(xiǎn)契約由合伙人或共有人中之一人或數(shù)人訂立,而其利益及于全體合伙人或共有人者, 應(yīng)載明為全體合伙人或共有人訂立之意旨。

  第48 條保險(xiǎn)人得約定保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物之一部份,應(yīng)由要保人自行負(fù)擔(dān)由危險(xiǎn)而生之損失。有前項(xiàng)約定時(shí),要保人不得將未經(jīng)保險(xiǎn)之部份,另向他保險(xiǎn)人訂立保險(xiǎn)契約。

  第49 條保險(xiǎn)契約除人身保險(xiǎn)外,得為指示式或無記名式。保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于要保人所得為之抗


  第50 條保險(xiǎn)契約分不定值保險(xiǎn)契約,及定值保險(xiǎn)契約。不定值保險(xiǎn)契約,為契約上載明保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之價(jià)值,須至危險(xiǎn)發(fā)生后估計(jì)而訂之保險(xiǎn)契約。定值保險(xiǎn)契約,為契約上載明保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的一定價(jià)值之保險(xiǎn)契約。

  第51 條保險(xiǎn)契約訂立時(shí),保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之危險(xiǎn)已發(fā)生或已消滅者,其契約無效。但為當(dāng)事人雙方所不知者,不在此限。訂約時(shí),僅要保人知危險(xiǎn)已發(fā)生者,保險(xiǎn)人不受契約之拘束。訂約時(shí),僅保險(xiǎn)人知危險(xiǎn)已消滅者,要保人不受契約之拘束。

  Article 45 A proposer may, without having been mandated, enter into an insurance contract for the benefit of another person. Should there be any doubt as to the beneficiary, it will be presumed that the proposer entered into the contract for its own benefit.

  Article 46 If an insurance contract is entered into by an agent [on behalf of another], a statement to such effect shall be made in the insurance contract.

  Article 47 If an insurance contract is entered into by one or several partners or co-owners for the benefit of all the partners or co-owners, a statement to such effect shall be made in the insurance contract.

  Article 48 An insurer may stipulate in the contract that loss to a portion of the subject matter insured arising from risk shall be borne by the proposer. When the type of stipulation set forth in the preceding paragraph is made, the proposer may not enter into an insurance contract with another insurer for the portion that has not been insured.

  Article 49 Except in the case of insurance of the person, an insurance contract may have either a specified or an unspecified beneficiary. The insurer may raise against the assignee of an insurance contract the same defense that it may raise against the proposer.

  Article 50 Insurance contracts are classified into unvalued and valued insurance contracts. An unvalued insurance contract is an insurance contract which expressly states that the value of the subject matter insured must be estimated after occurrence of the insured risk. A valued insurance contract is an insurance contract that expressly states a definite value for the subject matter insured.

  Article 51 If the risk associated with the subject matter insured has already occurred or ceased to exist at the time an insurance contract is entered into, the contract shall be void, provided that this rule does not apply when neither of the contracting parties is aware of the occurrence or cessation of existence. If, at the time an insurance contract is entered into, only the proposer knows that the risk has already occurred, the insurer is not bound by the contract. If, at the time an insurance contract is entered into, only the insurer knows that the risk has ceased to exist, the proposer is not bound by the contract.

  第52 條為他人利益訂立之保險(xiǎn)契約,于訂約時(shí),該他人未確定者,由要保人或保險(xiǎn)契約所載可得確定之受益人,享受其利益。

  第53 條被保險(xiǎn)人因保險(xiǎn)人應(yīng)負(fù)保險(xiǎn)責(zé)任之損失發(fā)生,而對(duì)于第三人有損失賠償請(qǐng)求權(quán)者,保險(xiǎn)人得于給付賠償金額后,代位行使被保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于第三人之請(qǐng)求權(quán);但其所請(qǐng)求之?dāng)?shù)額,以不逾賠償金額為限。前項(xiàng)第三人為被保險(xiǎn)人之家屬或受雇人時(shí),保險(xiǎn)人無代位請(qǐng)求權(quán)。但損失系由其故意所致者,不在此限。

  Article 52 When an insurance contract is entered into for the benefit of another person, if that person has not yet been determined at the time the contract is entered into, the proposer, or such beneficiary as may be determined in accordance with the content of the insurance contract, shall enjoy the benefit.

  Article 53 If an insured has a right to claim indemnification from a third party due to occurrence of loss for which the insurer bears insurance liability, the insurer may, after paying indemnification, be subrogated to the insured's right of claim against the third party. However, the amount of the subrogated claim may not exceed the amount of the indemnification. If the third party referred to in the preceding paragraph is a family member or employee of the insured, the insurer has no right of claim by subrogation. However, this rule is not applicable when the loss has resulted from the willful misconduct of such third party.

  第54 條本法之強(qiáng)制規(guī)定,不得以契約變更之。但有利于被保險(xiǎn)人者,不在此限。保險(xiǎn)契約之解釋,應(yīng)探求契約當(dāng)事人之真意,不得拘泥于所用之文字;如有疑義時(shí),以作有利于被保險(xiǎn)人之解釋為原則。

  第54-1 條保險(xiǎn)契約中有左列情事之一,依訂約時(shí)情形顯失公平者,該部分之約定無效:




  Article 54 Compulsory provisions of this Act may not be modified by contract. However, this restriction does not apply to modifications favorable to the insured. Interpretation of insurance contracts shall seek the true intent of the parties, and may not adhere blindly to the language employed. Where there is doubt, interpretations should in principle be favorable to the insured.

  Article 54-1 If an insurance contract contains any term or condition as follows, and such term or condition would have been obviously unfair under the circumstances at the time of signing, such part of the contract shall be void:

  1. A term or condition that exempts the insurer from or diminishes

  its obligations under this Act.

  2. A term or condition that causes the proposer, beneficiary, or

  insured to waive or limit any right they enjoy under this Act.

  3. A term or condition that increases the obligations of the proposer or the insured.


  4. Any other term or condition that is materially disadvantageous to the proposer, beneficiary, or insured.

  第二節(jié)基本條款Section 2. Basic Provisions

  第55 條保險(xiǎn)契約,除本法另有規(guī)定外,應(yīng)記載左列各款事項(xiàng):


  第56 條變更保險(xiǎn)契約或恢復(fù)停止效力之保險(xiǎn)契約時(shí),保險(xiǎn)人于接到通知后十日內(nèi)不為拒絕者,視為承諾。但本法就人身保險(xiǎn)有特別規(guī)定者,從其規(guī)定。

  Article 55 Except where otherwise provided in this Act, an insurance contract shall specify the following particulars:

  1. Names and domiciles of the contracting parties. 2. The subject matter insured. 3. The type of risk insured. 4. The date and hour from which the insurance liability commences and the period of insurance. 5. The insured amount. 6. The premium. 7. Causes for voidance of contract or loss of rights. 8. The date the contract is entered into.

  Article 56 When an insurance contract is modified or a suspended contract is reinstated, failure by the insurer to reject the modification or reinstatement within 10 days from receipt of notification shall be deemed acceptance. However, where this Act has special provisions for insurance of the person, such provisions shall govern.

  第57 條當(dāng)事人之一方對(duì)于他方應(yīng)通知之事項(xiàng)而怠于通知者,除不可抗力之事故外,不問是否故意,他方得據(jù)為解除保險(xiǎn)契約之原因。

  第58 條要保人、被保險(xiǎn)人或受益人,遇有保險(xiǎn)人應(yīng)負(fù)保險(xiǎn)責(zé)任之事故發(fā)生,除本法另有規(guī)定,或契約另有訂定外,應(yīng)于知悉后五日內(nèi)通知保險(xiǎn)人。

  第59 條要保人對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)契約內(nèi)所載增加危險(xiǎn)之情形應(yīng)通知者,應(yīng)于知悉后通知保險(xiǎn)人。危險(xiǎn)增加,由于要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人之行為所致,其危險(xiǎn)達(dá)于應(yīng)增加保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)或終止契約之程度者,要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人應(yīng)先通知保險(xiǎn)人。危險(xiǎn)增加,不由于要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人之行為所致者,要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人應(yīng)于知悉后十日內(nèi)通知保險(xiǎn)人。危險(xiǎn)減少時(shí),被保險(xiǎn)人得請(qǐng)求保險(xiǎn)人重新核定保費(fèi)。

  Article 57 Except when due to a force majeure event, the failure of a party to an insurance contract to provide a required notification of any matter to another party, whether intentional or unintentional, may be cause for rescission of the contract by the other party.

  Article 58 When a proposer, insured, or beneficiary experiences an event for which the insurer bears insurance liability, such party shall notify the insurer within five days from becoming aware of the occurrence, except where otherwise provided in this Act or stipulated in the contract.

  Article 59 A proposer required to serve notice of circumstances that increase risk as stated in the insurance contract shall notify the insurer upon becoming aware of the circumstances. If the increase in risk is caused by an act of the proposer or the insured, and the risk is increased to the extent that the premium should be increased or the contract terminated, the proposer or the insured shall serve prior notice to the insurer. If the increase in risk is not caused by an act of the proposer or the insured, the proposer or the insured shall notify the insurer within 10 days of becoming aware of the increase in risk. When risk is diminished, the insured may request the insurer to adjust the premium.

  第60 條保險(xiǎn)遇有前條情形,得終止契約,或提議另定保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。要保人對(duì)于另定保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)不同意者, 其契約即為終止。但因前條第二項(xiàng)情形終止契約時(shí),保險(xiǎn)人如有損失,并得請(qǐng)求賠償。保險(xiǎn)人知危險(xiǎn)增加后,仍繼續(xù)收受保險(xiǎn)費(fèi),或于危險(xiǎn)發(fā)生后給付賠償金額,或其它維持契約之表示者,喪失前項(xiàng)之權(quán)利。

  第61 條危險(xiǎn)增加如有左列情形之一時(shí),不適用第五十九條之規(guī)定:


  Article 60 In the event of circumstances referred to in the preceding article, the insurer may terminate the contract or propose revision of the premium. If the proposer does not agree to the premium adjustment, the contract is terminated forthwith. However, where the contract is terminated on account of circumstances stated in paragraph 2 of the preceding article, the insurer may also claim compensation if it has sustained any loss. An insurer that continues to accept the premium after becoming aware of an increase in risk, or that pays a claim after occurrence of the risk, or that otherwise expresses intent to maintain the contract, loses the rights stated in the preceding paragraph.

  Article 61 The provisions of Article 59 does not apply to an increase in risk under any of the following circumstances:

  1. Where the occurrence of damage does not affect the burden of the insurer.

  2. Where the act is done to protect the interests of the insurer.

  3. Where the act is done to fulfill a moral obligation.

  第62 條當(dāng)事人之一方對(duì)于左列各款,不負(fù)通知之義務(wù):


  第63 條要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人不于第五十八條,第五十九條第三項(xiàng)所規(guī)定之期限內(nèi)為通知者,對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)人因此所受之損失,應(yīng)負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。

  第64 條訂立契約時(shí),要保人對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)人之書面詢問,應(yīng)據(jù)實(shí)說明。要保人故意隱匿,或因過失遺漏,或?yàn)椴粚?shí)之說明,足以變更或減少保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于危險(xiǎn)之估計(jì)者,保險(xiǎn)人得解除契約;其危險(xiǎn)發(fā)生后亦同。但要保人證明危險(xiǎn)之發(fā)生未基于其說明或未說明之事實(shí)時(shí),不在此限。前項(xiàng)解除契約權(quán),自保險(xiǎn)人知有解除之原因后,經(jīng)過一個(gè)月不行使而消滅;或契約訂立后經(jīng)過二年,即有可以解除之原因,亦不得解除契約。

  Article 62 A party shall be free of obligation of notification with regard to any matter enumerated below:

  1. A matter of which the other party is aware.

  2. A matter of which the other party should be aware by paying

  normal attention or for which it would have no excuse for being


  3. A matter of which the other party has stated that no notice need

  be served.

  Article 63 A proposer or an insured who fails to serve notice within the time limit stated in Article 58 or Article 59, paragraph 3 shall be liable for loss sustained by the insurer as a result.

  Article 64 At the time a contract is entered into, the proposer shall make truthful representations in response to the written inquiries of the insurer. If the proposer has made any willful concealment, nondisclosure through its own fault, or misrepresentation, and such concealment, nondisclosure, or misrepresentation is sufficient to alter or diminish the insurer's estimation of the risk to be undertaken, the insurer may rescind the contract; the same shall apply after the risk has occurred, provided that this provision does not apply where the proposer proves that the occurrence of the risk was not based upon any fact that it did or did not represent. The right to rescind as stated in the preceding paragraph shall be extinguished if not exercised within one month of the time the insurer knows of the cause for rescission. Once two years have elapsed after the contract is entered into, the contract may not be rescinded even if cause for rescission exists.

  第65 條由保險(xiǎn)契約所生之權(quán)利,自得為請(qǐng)求之日起,經(jīng)過二年不行使而消滅。有左列各款情形之一者,其期限之起算,依各該款之規(guī)定:





  Article 65 Any right arising out of an insurance contract shall be extinguished if not exercised within two years from the day when it becomes possible to exercise the right. If any of the following circumstances exists, the two-year time period commences as set forth in the following subparagraphs:

  1. If there is concealment, non-disclosure, or misrepresentation on the part of the proposer or insured in the disclosure of risk, the period commences from the day on which the insurer becomes aware of the situation.

  2. If, after a risk occurs, an interested party can prove that its lack of awareness was not due to negligence, the period will begin from the day on which it becomes aware of the situation.

  3. If the claim of a proposer or insured against an insurer arises out of the claim of a third party, the period will begin from the day on which the proposer or insured is presented with the third-party claim.

  第三節(jié)特約條款Section 3. Special Provisions

  第66 條特約條款,為當(dāng)事人于保險(xiǎn)契約基本條款外,承認(rèn)履行特種義務(wù)之條款。

  第67 條與保險(xiǎn)契約有關(guān)之一切事項(xiàng),不問過去現(xiàn)在或?qū)?,均得以特約條款定之。

  第68 條保險(xiǎn)契約當(dāng)事人之一方違背特約條款時(shí),他方得解除契約;其危險(xiǎn)發(fā)生后亦同。第六十四條第三項(xiàng)之規(guī)定,于前項(xiàng)情形準(zhǔn)用之。

  Article 66 A special provision is a provision whereby the parties represent and warrant performance of a special obligation apart from the basic provisions of the insurance contract.

  Article 67 All matters, whether past, present, or future, that relate to an insurance contract may be stipulated by a special provision.

  Article 68 When a party to an insurance contract breaches a special provision, the other party may rescind the contract. The same rule also applies after the risk has occurred. The provisions of Article 64, paragraph 3 apply mutatis mutandis to the circumstances in the preceding paragraph.

  第69 條關(guān)于未來事項(xiàng)之特約條款,于未屆履行期前危險(xiǎn)已發(fā)生,或其履行為不可能,或在訂約地為不合法而未履行者,保險(xiǎn)契約不因之而失效。

  Article 69 With regard to any special provision relating to a future matter, if the related risk has already occurred before the time for performance of the provision has commenced, or performance of the provision is impossible, or the provision has not been performed because it is

  illegal in the place where the contract was entered into, the insurance contract does not for that reason become void.

  第三章財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn)Chapter III. Non-life Insurance

  第一節(jié)火災(zāi)保險(xiǎn)Section 1. Fire Insurance

  第70 條火災(zāi)保險(xiǎn)人,對(duì)于由火災(zāi)所致保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物之毀損或滅失,除契約另有訂定外,負(fù)賠償之責(zé)。因救護(hù)保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物,致保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物發(fā)生損失者,視同所保危險(xiǎn)所生之損失。

  第71 條就集合之物而總括為保險(xiǎn)者,被保險(xiǎn)人家屬、受雇人或同居人之物,亦得為保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的,載明于保險(xiǎn)契約,在危險(xiǎn)發(fā)生時(shí),就其損失享受賠償。前項(xiàng)保險(xiǎn)契約,視同并為第三


  第72 條保險(xiǎn)金額為保險(xiǎn)人在保險(xiǎn)期內(nèi),所負(fù)責(zé)任之最高額度。保險(xiǎn)人應(yīng)于承保前,查明保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物之市價(jià),不得超額承保。

  第73 條保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的,得由要保人,依主管機(jī)關(guān)核定之費(fèi)率及條款,作定值或不定值約定之要保。保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的,以約定價(jià)值為保險(xiǎn)金額者,發(fā)生全部損失或部份損失時(shí),均按約定價(jià)值為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)計(jì)算賠償。保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的未經(jīng)約定價(jià)值者,發(fā)生損失時(shí),按保險(xiǎn)事故發(fā)生時(shí)實(shí)際價(jià)值為標(biāo)準(zhǔn),計(jì)算賠償,其賠償金額,不得超過保險(xiǎn)金額。

  Article 70 A fire insurer is liable, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, to indemnify for damage or loss of the subject matter insured as a result of fire. Loss to the subject matter insured that occurs in the course of attempting to save or protect it is deemed to have arisen out of the

  insured risk.

  Article 71 When insurance is effected to cover a group of things collectively, the belongings of family members, employees, or cohabitants of the insured may also be specified in the insurance contract as part of the subject matter insured, and indemnification for loss to such items shall be made upon occurrence of the insured risk. An insurance contract referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed as having also been entered into for the benefit of the third


  Article 72 The insured amount is the maximum liability to be borne by the insurer during the term of insurance. Before underwriting an insurance policy, the insurer shall appraise the market value of the subject matter to be insured, and may not over-insure the subject matter.

  Article 73 A proposer may apply for either valued or unvalued insurance coverage of any given subject matter, at a premium rate and under provisions approved by the competent authority. When the stipulated value of the subject matter insured is the insured amount, if total loss or partial loss is sustained, indemnification shall be calculated on the basis of the stipulated value. When the value of the subject matter insured is not stipulated, if loss is sustained, indemnification shall be calculated on the basis of the actual value at the time of occurrence of the insured peril. Indemnification may not exceed the insured amount.

  第74 條第七十三條所稱全部損失,系指保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的全部滅失或毀損,達(dá)于不能修復(fù)或其修復(fù)之費(fèi)用,超過保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的恢復(fù)原狀所需者。

  第75 條保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物不能以市價(jià)估計(jì)者,得由當(dāng)事人約定其價(jià)值。賠償時(shí)從其約定。

  第76 條保險(xiǎn)金額超過保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的價(jià)值之契約,系由當(dāng)事人一方之詐欺而訂立者,他方得解除契約。如有損失,并得請(qǐng)求賠償。無詐欺情事者,除定值保險(xiǎn)外,其契約僅于保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的價(jià)值之限度內(nèi)為有效。無詐欺情事之保險(xiǎn)契約,經(jīng)當(dāng)事人一方將超過價(jià)值之事實(shí)通知他方后,保險(xiǎn)金額及保險(xiǎn)費(fèi),均應(yīng)按照保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的之價(jià)值比例減少。

  第77 條保險(xiǎn)金額不及保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物之價(jià)值者,除契約另有訂定外,保險(xiǎn)人之負(fù)擔(dān),以保險(xiǎn)金額對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物之價(jià)值比例定之。

  第78 條損失之估計(jì),因可歸責(zé)于保險(xiǎn)人之事由而遲延者,應(yīng)自被保險(xiǎn)人交出損失清單一個(gè)月后加給利息。損失清單交出二個(gè)月后損失尚未完全估定者,被保險(xiǎn)人得請(qǐng)求先行交付其所應(yīng)得之最低賠償金額。

  第79 條保險(xiǎn)人或被保險(xiǎn)人為證明及估計(jì)損失所支出之必要費(fèi)用,除契約另有訂定外,由保險(xiǎn)人負(fù)擔(dān)之。保險(xiǎn)金額不及保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物之價(jià)值時(shí),保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于前項(xiàng)費(fèi)用,依第七十七條規(guī)定比例負(fù)擔(dān)之。

  Article 74 The term "total loss" as used in Article 73 means total destruction or loss of the subject matter insured, to such an extent that it cannot be restored, or the cost of restoration exceeds the value of the subject matter insured after restoration to its original condition.

  Article 75 If the value of the subject matter insured cannot be appraised on the basis of market value, the contracting parties may stipulate its value. Any indemnification shall be based on the stipulated value.

  Article 76 Where the insured amount exceeds the value of the subject matter insured, if the contract is entered into through the fraud of one of the contracting parties, the other party may rescind the contract. If loss is sustained, the other party may also claim indemnification. If no fraud is involved, the contract shall, except in the case of valued insurance, be valid only within the limits of the value of the subject matter insured. For contracts where fraud is not at issue, after one of the contracting parties has notified the other party of the fact that the subject matter is over-insured, the insured amount and the premium shall both be reduced pro rata according to the value of the subject matter insured.

  Article 77 If the insured amount is below the value of the subject matter insured, the burden of the insurer, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, is to be determined by the ratio of the insured amount to the value of the subject matter insured.

  Article 78 If appraisal of loss is delayed due to causes attributable to the insurer, additional interest shall accrue beginning one month from the day on which the insured presents a statement of loss. If appraisal of loss remains unfinalized two months after presentation of the statement of loss, the insured may claim pre-payment of the minimum amount of indemnification to which it is entitled.

  Article 79 Any necessary expenses incurred by an insurer or an insured to prove and appraise a loss are to be borne by the insurer unless otherwise stipulated in the contract. If the insured amount is less than the value of the subject matter insured, the expenses mentioned in the preceding paragraph are to be borne pro rata by the insurer in accordance with the ratio set forth in Article 77.

  第80 條損失未估定前,要保人或被保險(xiǎn)人除為公共利益或避免擴(kuò)大損失外,非經(jīng)保險(xiǎn)人同意,對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物不得加以變更。

  第81 條保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物非因保險(xiǎn)契約所載之保險(xiǎn)事故而完全滅失時(shí),保險(xiǎn)契約即為終止。

  第82 條保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物受部份之損失者,保險(xiǎn)人與要保人均有終止契約之權(quán)。終止后,已交付未損失部份之保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)應(yīng)返還之。前項(xiàng)終止契約權(quán),于賠償金額給付后,經(jīng)過一個(gè)月不行使而


  第82-1 條第七十三條至第八十一條之規(guī)定,于海上保險(xiǎn)、陸空保險(xiǎn)、責(zé)任保險(xiǎn)、保證保險(xiǎn)及其它財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn)準(zhǔn)用之。第一百二十三條及第一百二十四條之規(guī)定,于超過一年之財(cái)產(chǎn)保險(xiǎn)準(zhǔn)用之。

  Article 80 Before appraisal of loss has been finalized, the proposer or the insured may not, except in order to ensure the public interest or avoid aggravation of loss, make any alteration to the subject matter insured without the insurer's consent.

  Article 81 When something other than an insured peril specified in the insurance contract causes complete destruction or loss of the subject matter insured, the insurance contract shall be forthwith terminated.

  Article 82 If the subject matter insured sustains partial loss, both the insurer and the proposer have the right to terminate the contract. After termination, premium already paid for the portion not affected by the loss shall be refunded. The right to terminate the contract as stated in the preceding

  paragraph shall be extinguished if not exercised within one month after indemnification is paid.

  The insurer shall notify the proposer fifteen days prior to terminating the contract. If neither the proposer nor the insurer terminates the contract, the liability of the insurer for any future loss resulting from insured perils shall, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, be limited to the balance of the insured amount after indemnification.

  Article 82-1 The provisions of Article 73 to 81 apply mutatis mutandis to marine insurance, land and air insurance, liability insurance, bonding insurance, and other types of non-life insurance. The provisions of Article 123 and 124 apply mutatis mutandis to non-life insurance of term length exceeding one year.

  第二節(jié)海上保險(xiǎn)Section 2. Marine Insurance

  第83 條海上保險(xiǎn)人對(duì)于保險(xiǎn)標(biāo)的物,除契約另有規(guī)定外,因海上一切事變及災(zāi)害所生之毀損、滅失及費(fèi)用,負(fù)賠償之責(zé)。

  Article 83 Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, a marine insurer is liable, with respect to the subject matter insured, to indemnify for damage, loss, and expenses arising out of all accidents and calamities at sea.


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