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發(fā)表時間:2021/06/14 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2523  
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  甲方(開證方) Party A: (Issuer):

  乙方(接證方)Party B (Receiver):

  鑒于甲方開具境外 SBLC (譯注:備用信用證 簡稱SBLC (standby letters of credit) 又稱擔(dān)保信用證,是指不以清償商品交易的價款為目的,而以貸款融資,或擔(dān)保債務(wù)償還為目的所開立的信用證) 給乙方,由乙方銀行辦理抵押貸款,為此雙方達(dá)成協(xié)議如下:
  Commissioned by Party B to Party A that Party A shall issue an available SBLC and to let Party B get a mortgage loan from the bank, for which both parties agree as follows.
  一.票據(jù)概述 Note Overview:
  1. 抵押品擔(dān)保:The mortgage collateral: SBLC.
  2. 面值:合約總額度 _____分批操作,第一單 _____,第二單____,第三單______, 完成第一單后每隔____個工作天操作第二,第三單,后續(xù)按雙方商定的金額辦理。至 本合同金額操作完成,本合同便自動終止。
  The nominal value: Total contract amount is _____, the first transaction is ____, the second transaction is _____, the third transaction is _____. The Second and Third transaction will be started within FIVE banking days after completion of the last transaction. the following transaction amount will be proceeded under discussion of both two parties. After completion of the contract amount, this contract will be finished automatically
  3. 期限 三百六十五天加一天。 Duration: 365 days plus one day.
  4. 開證方式:用 SWIFT 按接證銀行的版本開出。
  Mode of issuance: To issue the SBLC by using SWIFT -760 and the verbiage as attached
  5. 開證銀行_____ Issuing bank: _____
  6. 接證銀行 _____ Receiving bank: _____
  7. 受益人 乙方___ Beneficiary: ____PARTY B____
  8. 查詢方式 銀行對銀行以 SWIFT 進(jìn)行確定。
  Way of inquiry: Verified by bank to bank SWIFT/ communication.
  二.雙方責(zé)任和業(yè)務(wù) Responsibilities and duties of both parties
  甲方: 甲方開出境外 SBLC 供乙方抵押貸款用。
  Party A: Party A issues an oversea’s SBLC for Party B to get the mortgage loan.
  2. 甲方開出的 SBLC 是符合乙方指定貸款銀行確定的有效版本。
  Party A issues a SBLC, which should be ensured that the verbiage is the valid version provided by Party B’s appointed bank for the mortgage loan
  3. 平倉責(zé)任:SBLC 由開證銀行無條件 100%平倉。
  Settlement responsibility: The issuing bank will take 100% of unconditional settlement responsibility for this SBLC.
  4. SBLC 必須由接證銀行確認(rèn)無誤可用于擔(dān)保貸款,開證銀行對于接證銀行本身業(yè)務(wù)操作失誤的損失將不負(fù)任何責(zé)任。
  SBLC will be confirmed by the receiving bank that this SBLC is good for securing the mortgage loan, and the issuing bank will not take any responsibility for the loss of the operational errors made by the receiving bank.
  5. 甲方提供如下文件: (1)營業(yè)執(zhí)照; (2)法定代表人護(hù)照
  Party A should provide to Party B (1) company license;(2) Passport of Signatory
  乙方: 提供文件如下:(在香港操作)
  Party B: Provide the following documents : (Processing in Hong Kong)
  (1) 營業(yè)執(zhí)照(2)基本賬戶證(3)接證銀行 SBLC 版本(4)接證銀行路線圖和坐標(biāo)(5)法人護(hù)照。
  1) Enterprise business license (2) Basic account card (3) The SBLC verbiage version of the receiving bank (4) The route and the coordinates of the receiving bank (5) Passport of the enterprise owner.
  三.操作流程 III. Procedures
  1. 甲方確認(rèn)乙方提供的接證銀行的有效 SBLC 版本。
  Party A should confirm the verbiage is the valid version provided by Party B’s appointed receiving bank for the mortgage loan
  2. 甲乙雙方在網(wǎng)上簽署本協(xié)議(視同正式簽約),一經(jīng)簽字蓋章即產(chǎn)生法律效力。
  Both parties sign this agreement through internet (it to be considered as formal agreement signing), and it will become legally bound once it is signed.
  3. 甲方在雙方網(wǎng)上簽署本協(xié)議____個銀行日內(nèi)發(fā)出 MT--799 預(yù)開通知。
  Party A will issue Pre-Advice through MT--799 within____banking days after this agreement is signed by both parties.
  4. 乙方接證銀行收到 MT--799 預(yù)開通知并確認(rèn)后,____個銀行日內(nèi)回復(fù) MT--799 (含銀 行承諾,乙方銀行保證在接到 MT-760 后,有能力在____個銀行日辦理并完成抵押貸款)。
  Within ___banking days after authentication of Pre-advice swift MT--799, Party B will Reply back Party B’s bank conditional guarantee payment(or bank undertaking payment) via MT--799 swift (Party B ensures that on the receiving of the MT--760, Party B has the ability to get the mortgage loan within _____bank working days).
  5. 在乙方銀行回復(fù) MT--799 給甲方銀行后____ 個銀行工作日內(nèi)按雙方商定的 SBLC 面 值的比例___開出同等金額的企業(yè)支票給開證方或開證方指定的賬戶,但此企業(yè)支票必須交與雙方認(rèn)可的香港律師樓進(jìn)行雙方共管。
  Upon successful replying MT--799 to Party A’s bank, within____banking days, the equivalent amount of corporate check in accordance with the mutually agreed ratio ____of the SBLC par value will be issued to Party A’s designated bank account , but this corporate cheque will be kept jointly in the mutually agreed attorney’s office in Hong Kong,
  6 甲方在收到確認(rèn)乙方的 MT--799 乙方的銀行承諾及確認(rèn)乙方企業(yè)支票已交于律師樓共管后,在___個銀行工作日內(nèi)由甲方發(fā)出 SBLC 經(jīng)由 MT--760 給乙方。
  After verification and authentication of MT--799 with bank conditional guarantee payment for the amount of the first tranche and verification of the corporate check is jointly kept in the attorney’s office, Party A will request the issuing bank to issue the SBLC via MT--760 swift to beneficiary’s receiving bank within ____banking days.
  7. 乙方接證銀行在接到由 MT--760 發(fā)過來的 SBLC 后,進(jìn)行貸款,約定____個銀行工作 天內(nèi)貸款資金到位。在貸款成功后,雙方到律師樓解除雙方共管,將企業(yè)支票交與甲方或?qū)⑵髽I(yè)支票等額的款項直接打到的____ 賬戶。其余款項作為甲方給乙方的費用(貸款融資費,銀行利息,手續(xù)費等)
  Party B will start mortgage loan process after receiving the SBLC via MT--760 swift. After the mortgage is successfully completed within ____ banking days , both parties will go to the attorney’s office to release the corporate check to Party A or transfer the said fund to ____ accordingly.(JOINT BANK ACCOUNT WITH PARTY A). while the remaining funds shall be regarded as fees ( loan finance charges, bank interest, service fees, etc.) to Party B.
  8. 乙方保證乙方在法律上絕對沒有任何債權(quán)債務(wù)上的支付關(guān)系。
  Party B guarantees that there is absolutely no obligatory rights or debt to pay any parties.
  9. 雙方代表和協(xié)調(diào)方到香港操作地的一切雙向差旅和食宿等費用均由雙方各自負(fù)責(zé)。
  For processing the entire operation in HK, each party’s and their coordinator ’s 2-way travel expense, and food, lodging expense should be borne by each party themselves.
  10. 該SBLC 一年期滿時,甲方如需延期,甲方必須支付乙方延期手續(xù)費及銀行利息等相關(guān) 費用。
  After the one year expiration of the SBLC, if Party A desires further extension, Party A must pay for all related extension fees and bank interest incurred by Party B.
  11. 雙方同意按每批交易時程來進(jìn)行操作一直到完成為止。
  Transaction to continue as per mutually agreed tranche schedule. Procedures are to repeat until contract, collateral or fund become exhausted.
  12. 不履行的罰則: 一旦雙方簽約完事,如有一方違反合同條款,將向另一方支付違約金 5%總合同金額。
  Penalty clause for Non-performance: Should any of the parties herein fails to perform as required in this contract once signed, then the failing party shall indemnify the other party for the total contract amount of 5%.
  13. 甲乙雙方同意嚴(yán)格遵守巴黎國際商務(wù) ICC 關(guān)于交易保障和不得越線的條例。 為保障各 方權(quán)益,未經(jīng)雙方書面同意,不得與對方介紹的客戶進(jìn)行交易,并不得向第三者披露此 案件交易的有關(guān)資料和內(nèi)容,否則違約方將負(fù)法律責(zé)任并賠償守約方之經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。本協(xié)議從簽署之日開始有效期兩年。本協(xié)議一式兩份,雙方各執(zhí)一份為憑,并接受相關(guān)法律之仲裁與制裁。掃描件與原件具有同等法律效力。
  Party A and party B agree to strictly comply with Paris International Business ICC Code on transaction protection and non-circumvention ordinance. To guarantee parties’ interest, without both parties’ written agreement, both parties shall not do any transaction to customers introduced by either party, and shall not disclose any information related to this transaction to a third party, otherwise, the non-complying party shall take legal responsibility and compensate the complying party for any economical losses. This agreement is effective for two years from the date of signing. This agreement is in two copies, Party A and Party B have one of each, and shall be protected by related law for arbitration and sanction. Scanned copies hold the same legal effect as the originals.

  Party A: For And On Behalf of Party A

  Party B: For And On Behalf of Party B:

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