口譯達人必“背”:中國成語英譯11 | |
發(fā)起人:eging 回復數(shù):0 瀏覽數(shù):4622 最后更新:2017/10/24 8:24:38 by eging |
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eging 發(fā)表于 2017/10/24 8:24:40
口譯達人必“背”:中國成語英譯11 少年老成
to have an old head on young shoulders 少不更事 wet behind the ears:Although she is 20, she was still wet behind the ears in some ways. 天無絕人之路 God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. /When one door shuts another opens. 天下烏鴉一般黑 Crows are black all over the world. 天助自助者 Heaven helps those who help themselves. 天有不測風云,人有旦夕禍福 It is the unexpected that always happens. 天衣無縫 These two ideas just fit like a glove. 天涯海角 ends of the earth:I'll find him to the ends of the earth. (out-of-the-way places; the uttermost part of the earth) 天經(jīng)地義 a matter of course:It's a matter of course to respect our elders. (a universal truth; it goes without saying that...) 毛遂自薦 to recommend one's own person 小Car筆記: shorn lamb:已剪過毛的羔羊 crow:烏鴉 all over the world:全世界 |
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