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發(fā)表時間:2020/03/03 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2816  
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火神山醫(yī)院 Huoshenshan Hospital
Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital was delivered Sunday in Wuhan. It is dedicated to treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus.

A total of 1,400 medical staff from the armed forces are tasked with treating patients in Huoshenshan Hospital starting from Monday. The medics consist of 950 people from hospitals affiliated to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Joint Logistic Support Force, and 450 from medical universities of the army, navy and air force of the PLA who were sent to Wuhan earlier.
The new facility will ease the shortage of beds in the city resulting from an increasing number of patients infected with the novel coronavirus.
——分區(qū)嚴(yán)格隔離(different sections are strictly separated)。通過設(shè)置清潔區(qū)(cleaning section)、半污染區(qū)(partially contaminated section)、污染區(qū)(contaminated section)及醫(yī)護(hù)人員專用通道和病人專用通道(separate routes for medical staff and patients)的布置方式,嚴(yán)格避免交叉感染(cross infection)。醫(yī)療區(qū)與生活區(qū)同樣嚴(yán)格隔離。醫(yī)護(hù)人員進(jìn)出病區(qū)設(shè)置包括風(fēng)淋在內(nèi)的專用衛(wèi)生通過設(shè)施,最大限度地保護(hù)醫(yī)護(hù)人員的健康安全。
——病房帶上“口罩”(every ward is technically masked)。離地面架空30厘米的每間病房,放置兩張病床,均設(shè)有獨立的衛(wèi)生間。兩扇窗戶和通道組成的專用隔離防護(hù)窗,用于藥品和食品的傳遞。醫(yī)院絕大部分房間都是負(fù)壓房間(most of the rooms in the hospital are under negative pressure),房間內(nèi)的壓力比外面低,如同給病房帶上“口罩”,避免病毒隨著氣流產(chǎn)生交叉感染。
——污染集中處理(all contaminated resources go through high-standard disinfection)。醫(yī)院鋪設(shè)了5萬平方米的防滲膜,覆蓋整個院區(qū),確保污染物不會滲透到土壤水體中,同時醫(yī)院安裝了雨水、污水處理系統(tǒng),經(jīng)過兩次氯氣消毒處理,達(dá)標(biāo)后才可排放。所有房間排風(fēng)均經(jīng)過消毒殺菌及高效過濾達(dá)標(biāo)后,才高空排放。
A second special hospital for the treatment of the novel coronavirus — Leishenshan Hospital — is under construction in Wuhan. It is expected to be completed on Wednesday and start receiving patients the following day.

方艙醫(yī)院 mobile cabin hospital
Wuhan will make use of the city's sports stadium and two convention centers, and renovate them into three mobile cabin hospitals to offer a total of 3,400 beds to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms.
“方艙醫(yī)院”(mobile cabin hospitals)是解放軍野戰(zhàn)機(jī)動醫(yī)療系統(tǒng)的一種(part of mobile field medical system of the PLA),在各種應(yīng)急救治中也有廣泛使用?!胺脚撫t(yī)院”一般由醫(yī)療功能單元(medical treatment)、病房單元(ward)、技術(shù)保障單元(technical support)等部分構(gòu)成,是一種模塊化衛(wèi)生裝備,具有緊急救治(emergency treatment)、外科處置(surgical treatment)、臨床檢驗(clinical tests)等多方面功能。

Medical staff will be dispatched to the three hospitals to take care of patients who test positive for the virus — but show no severe symptoms — as soon as they are completed. Once a patient's symptoms worsen, he or she will be transferred to Jinyintan Hospital, one of the city's designated hospitals to admit patients infected with the new virus, in a timely manner.

病死率 fatality rate
The current case fatality rate (CFR) of the novel coronavirus infection on the Chinese mainland has dropped to 2.1 percent, Chinese health authorities said Tuesday.
The CFR remained stable after an initial 2.3 percent recorded at the beginning of the outbreak, said Jiao Yahui with the National Health Commission at a daily press briefing on the epidemic.
病死率(case fatality rate,CFR)指一段時間內(nèi)患有某個病癥的所有患者中,因該病死亡人數(shù)所占的比例。病死率的計算方式就是,用該病患者死亡人數(shù)除以該病所有患者人數(shù)。
與之相關(guān)的還有一個概念就是,發(fā)病率(incidence rate),指特定人群在一定時間內(nèi)發(fā)生某個病癥新病例的頻率。
The CFR in Hubei province was 3.1 percent, as the majority of the deaths occurred in the province, which saw a death toll of 414, over 97 percent of the total.
In Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei, the CFR stood at 4.9 percent and the death toll was 313, accounting for 74 percent of the national total.

The current case fatality rate (CFR) of the novel coronavirus infection on the Chinese mainland has dropped to 2.1 percent, Chinese health authorities said Tuesday.
The CFR remained stable after an initial 2.3 percent recorded at the beginning of the outbreak, said Jiao Yahui with the National Health Commission at a daily press briefing on the epidemic.
病死率(case fatality rate,CFR)指一段時間內(nèi)患有某個病癥的所有患者中,因該病死亡人數(shù)所占的比例。病死率的計算方式就是,用該病患者死亡人數(shù)除以該病所有患者人數(shù)。
與之相關(guān)的還有一個概念就是,發(fā)病率(incidence rate),指特定人群在一定時間內(nèi)發(fā)生某個病癥新病例的頻率。
The CFR in Hubei province was 3.1 percent, as the majority of the deaths occurred in the province, which saw a death toll of 414, over 97 percent of the total.
In Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei, the CFR stood at 4.9 percent and the death toll was 313, accounting for 74 percent of the national total.
The fatality rate outside Hubei was only 0.16 percent.
More than 80 percent of the deaths were elderly people over 60 years old, and over 75 percent had at least one underlying disease such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and tumors.

中央一號文件 No. 1 central document
This year the document urged efforts on two main tasks -- winning the battle against poverty and strengthening areas of weakness concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers, as the country strives to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects this year.
中央一號文件(No. 1 central document)指中共中央每年發(fā)布的第一份文件(the first policy statement released by central authorities each year)。中共中央在2004年至2020年連續(xù)十七年發(fā)布以“三農(nóng)”(農(nóng)業(yè)、農(nóng)村、農(nóng)民)為主題的中央一號文件,強(qiáng)調(diào)了“三農(nóng)”問題(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers)在中國社會主義現(xiàn)代化時期“重中之重”的地位。

這份文件題為《中共中央 國務(wù)院關(guān)于抓好“三農(nóng)”領(lǐng)域重點工作確保如期實現(xiàn)全面小康的意見》,全文共5個部分,包括:堅決打贏脫貧攻堅戰(zhàn)(win the battle against poverty);對標(biāo)全面建成小康社會加快補(bǔ)上農(nóng)村基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施和公共服務(wù)短板(improve infrastructure and public services in rural areas);保障重要農(nóng)產(chǎn)品有效供給和促進(jìn)農(nóng)民持續(xù)增收(ensure supplies of important agricultural products, promote the increases in farmers' incomes);加強(qiáng)農(nóng)村基層治理(strengthen grassroots governance in rural areas);強(qiáng)化農(nóng)村補(bǔ)短板保障措施(improve rural weak links)。
China has made decisive achievements in poverty relief and vowed to fully realize poverty elimination targets this year. In doing so, the country will increase support for areas in deep poverty by adding poverty alleviation funds, the document said.
Efforts should also be made to provide institutional guarantees to prevent people from returning to poverty after being lifted out of it in a bid to consolidate poverty relief results.
The document noted that the country should keep the poverty alleviation policies on stable footing.
China will see an immense change after it accomplishes its poverty elimination tasks, it said, urging that poverty reduction work should center more on addressing relative poverty and become normalized.
The country should establish long-term mechanisms and strengthen the "top-level design" to tackle relative poverty while accelerating its pace to introduce the guideline, connecting poverty alleviation efforts with rural vitalization strategies.
Areas of weakness in rural work such as infrastructure and public services should be improved, while efforts should be made to ensure safe drinking water and strengthen rural environmental protection, said the document.
Rural education will be further improved by strengthening the building of boarding schools in townships and increasing supplies of inclusive preschool education resources through multiple channels, it said.
The document also noted that the country will beef up efforts on improving medical and health services in rural areas.
As food security is a top priority, China will secure supplies of important agricultural products and maintain the stability of grain planting areas and output this year.
China will work to return hog production capacity to normal levels by the end of 2020, support the production of dairy and poultry products and guide the optimization of meat consumption structure, according to the document.
The document called for the integrated industrial development in rural areas propelled by a whole industry chain based on local resources and advantages, along with industrial clusters with a competitive edge.
Agricultural structures should be optimized to feature more high-quality agricultural products and better certification of healthy food, organic produce and source of production, while e-commerce penetration in rural areas and oversight of food and produce should be enhanced.
It also urged the stable employment of migrant workers among efforts to protect their wages.
Governance and the leadership of the Communist Party of China in rural communities should be strengthened, it said.
The document also vowed more investments into rural work, encouraging the issuance of local government special bonds to boost rural vitalization as well as monetary, fiscal and policy support for rural work.
New agricultural entities such as qualified family farms are eligible to enjoy preferential credit and tax policies, it said.
The country will steadily expand pilot reforms of inclusive finance in rural areas and advance the listing of futures and options related to agricultural products.
Land for the development of rural industries should be guaranteed, it said.
The document also stressed efforts to encourage rural migrant workers, college graduates, veterans and entrepreneurs to start businesses in rural areas and support the application of more technological achievements in rural areas.
The country vowed to step up breakthroughs in key agricultural core technologies and develop heavy smart agricultural machinery. Meanwhile, the building of agricultural innovation platforms such as science and technology centers should be strengthened.
The document also stressed key reforms in rural area. The country will improve the basic rural operation system, advance reform of the rural land system and make specific policies on extending the current round of rural land contracts for another 30 years upon expiration based on trials.
China will press ahead with pilot reforms of the rural collective property rights system nationwide, the document said.
The document urged the deepening of reform in agricultural administration to perfect the law enforcement system and improve law enforcement capabilities.
Policies should fit local conditions and farmers' wishes, the document noted, stressing that officials should avoid formalism and bureaucracy in policy implementation.

交叉感染 cross infection

To contain virus infections during the trips, railways, airports and other public transportation operators have intensified disinfection, ventilation and sanitation of vehicles and stations.
Passengers will go through body temperature screening at both entrances and exits of operating public transportation stations across the country. People found to have caught a fever above 37.3 degrees Celsius will be transferred to health departments.
Meanwhile, steps have been taken to make sure vehicles are not fully booked to allow a safe distance between passengers, Cai said, adding that temporary isolation areas had been set in the vehicles to avoid cross-infections in case of emergency during the journey.
這里的“客座率”在英語中有一個專門的表述passenger load factor(PLF),是交通運輸工具全程座位使用情況的一個測算指標(biāo),指特定時間段內(nèi),購票乘客數(shù)在某個交通運輸工具全部可用座位總數(shù)中所占的比例。
鐵路部門在售票源頭上加強(qiáng)管控,控制旅客列車的客座率,近幾天售票會把旅客列車的客座率控制在50%左右(make sure that train passenger load factor is around 50%),并實行分散售票,列車工作人員在旅客上車以后會引導(dǎo)大家分散就座。
Compared with hand-held instruments, the thermal imaging system can automatically measure passengers' temperature, improving passenger flow at subway stations.
The thermal imaging system can issue an alert when detecting passengers with abnormal body temperatures and monitor the temperatures continuously, according to Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corporation Ltd.

氣溶膠傳播 aerosol transmission
The novel coronavirus normally does not suspend or float in the air for long, and currently no evidence has shown that the new virus can be transmitted through aerosol, Feng Luzhao, a researcher of infectious diseases with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at the press conference.
氣溶膠傳播(aerosol transmission,aerosol讀作['er?.sɑl]),是指飛沫在空氣懸浮過程中失去水分而剩下的蛋白質(zhì)(protein)和病原體(pathogen)組成的核,形成飛沫核(droplet nuclei),可以通過氣溶膠的形式漂浮至遠(yuǎn)處,造成遠(yuǎn)距離的傳播(float for a long distance and spread the virus)。
Currently, the virus is mainly transmitted via respiratory droplets and contact, said Feng, adding that the virus is normally transmitted within a range of one to two meters.
He suggested the public to open windows to help with ventilation at least twice a day, which is effective to lower the risks of getting infected.
他表示,在一般的工作生活條件下,采取正確佩戴口罩的飛沫傳播防護(hù)措施,是足以滿足保護(hù)普通公眾不被感染的(wearing a mask correctly is enough to protect the general public from the virus)。
He suggested that raw vegetables, meats and fruits should be washed with running water, in the meantime, people should only eat cooked vegetables and meats and fruits without peels.
The virus would die in 30 minutes at a temperature of 56 degrees Celsius, Feng said, adding that cooking temperatures usually reach 100 degrees Celsius or even higher.
Feng urged people to wash their hands more frequently, especially after dealing with these agricultural products. He also advised people to use different kitchen wares, like cutting boards and knives, for raw and cooked food, respectively.

假陰性 false nagetive results
Reports that nucleic acid tests have returned false-negative results for people infected with the novel coronavirus have prompted medical workers to deploy multiple measures to identify infections and implement rigorous isolation measures amid the viral epidemic.
An infected patient in Beijing tested negative three times for the virus through routine throat swab nucleic acid tests. The case was eventually confirmed by extracting samples from the lower respiratory tract — a more intrusive procedure.
Gao Zhancheng, head of the respiratory and critical care department at Peking University's People's Hospital, said a range of factors will impact the accuracy of nucleic acid testing, including the severity of symptoms, the illness' development, the extraction method and the circumstances at laboratories.
"Nucleic acid testing targeting other viruses also cannot ensure full accuracy. However, such testing remains an irreplaceable way to confirm infection," he told a news conference held by the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism on Sunday.
"Under the current treatment guideline, suspected cases who have tested negative for the virus once are also required to be quarantined at designated facilities for strict observation."
對于假陰性是否會導(dǎo)致漏診的問題,專家們表示,不必過分擔(dān)心,病例的確診和排除,除了核酸檢測,還將結(jié)合流行病學(xué)史( epidemiological records)、臨床癥狀(clinical symptoms)、CT影像( CT scan imaging)等判斷。

新冠肺炎 COVID-19
"We now have a name for the disease and it's COVID-19," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in Geneva.

"We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the disease," the WHO chief said.
"Having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate or stigmatizing. It also gives us a standard format to use for any future coronavirus outbreaks."

The virus itself has been designated SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.
? 嚴(yán)重急性呼吸綜合征(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)冠狀病毒;
? 中東呼吸綜合征(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome,MERS)冠狀病毒。
此前,世界衛(wèi)生組織建議使用的臨時名稱,英文叫“2019-nCoV”。2019指代病毒被發(fā)現(xiàn)的年份,后面的nCoV是“新型冠狀病毒”英文翻譯new/novel coronavirus的縮寫。
美國約翰斯·霍普金斯健康安全中心高級學(xué)者、助理教授克麗絲特爾·沃森(Crystal Watson, senior scholar and assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security)表示雖然當(dāng)下焦點都放在了公共衛(wèi)生應(yīng)對上,不過病毒命名工作也值得優(yōu)先處理。
"The naming of a new virus is often quite delayed and the focus until now has been on the public health response, which is understandable."
"But there are reasons the naming should be a priority."

? "The name it has now is not easy to use and the media and the public are using other names for the virus," says Dr Watson.

? "The danger when you don't have an official name is that people start using terms like China Virus, and that can create a backlash against certain populations."

? With social media, unofficial names take hold quickly and are hard to take back, she says.
The H1N1 virus in 2009 was dubbed "swine flu". This led Egypt to slaughter all of its pigs, even though it was spread by people, not pigs.

世界衛(wèi)生組織就曾在2015年批評過“中東呼吸綜合征” (MERS:Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)這一名稱。
"We've seen certain disease names provoke a backlash against members of particular religious or ethnic communities, create unjustified barriers to travel, commerce and trade, and trigger needless slaughtering of food animals."

◆ 地理位置
geographical locations

◆ 人名
people's names

◆ 動物或食物的名字
the name of an animal or a kind of food

◆ 指向特定文化或行業(yè)
references to a particular culture or industry
臨床診斷病例 clinically diagnosed cases
Hubei province reported 14,840 new cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia on Wednesday, compared to 1,638 new cases reported on Tuesday, according to the province’s health commission on Thursday morning.

什么是臨床診斷病例(clinically diagnosed cases)?為什么要新增臨床診斷病例?
In a statement released on Thursday morning, the commission said it now considers patients who are clinically diagnosed as having the novel coronavirus disease as confirmed patients when releasing the figures. Previously only patients testing positive for the virus were regarded as confirmed patients in Hubei.
Revising the diagnosis standard can help doctors give a diagnosis for the disease. They can now give a diagnosis relying on a combination of factors, such as lung images, physical conditions and epidemiological history.

糞便樣本 stool specimens
Researchers from multiple organizations, including the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease under Guangzhou Medical University, have successfully isolated a strain of virus from swab sample of an infected patient's feces, said Zhao Jincun, a member of Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan's research group, at a press conference Thursday.
The swab sample was provided by the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, said Zhao, also a professor with the laboratory.
Meanwhile, a research team led by Li Lanjuan, a renowned Chinese epidemiologist, also isolated novel coronavirus strains from stool specimens of infected patients. Three of the five feces samples tested positive, according to Wu Nanping, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Zhejiang University.
趙金存表示,這個發(fā)現(xiàn)證實了排出的糞便的確存在活病毒,不過目前還沒有充分的證據(jù)說明存在糞口傳播(fecal-oral transmission)。
Transmission through means of respiratory and contact remain the major routes of the novel coronavirus spreading. Despite digestive tract problems of some patients, either as incipient symptoms or complications, the main clinical symptoms of the disease are fever, general weakness and dry cough, Mi said, adding that the coronavirus isolated from patients' feces is not yet illustrative to prove the change of the transmission route.
Mi said that stomach and intestine symptoms, such as diarrhea, of some patients in the early stages, the positive test for the coronavirus nucleic acid in feces samples of patients and the isolated virus from patients' feces samples indicate the proliferation of the virus can happen in the digestive tract after infection.
米鋒表示,戴好口罩和做好手衛(wèi)生(wearing masks and keeping hands clean)是最重要、最有效的防護(hù)措施,堅持勤洗手、規(guī)范洗手和手消毒(washing hands more frequently, in the right way and disinfection of hands),可以從根本上減少感染風(fēng)險。
吳南屏建議:大家注意公共衛(wèi)生,多洗手、吃熟食,食物要洗凈燒透(make sure that food is thoroughly cleaned and well cooked),注意個人衛(wèi)生及必要的污水處理(sewage treatment)。
趙金存表示,提醒大家要更加重視個人和家庭的清潔,如便后洗手,注意下水道的通暢(make sure the plumbing system run smoothly),以避免有可能出現(xiàn)的糞便病毒的傳播。
血漿治療 plasma therapy
In the latest guideline over the diagnosis and treatment of the virus issued on Feb 5, the top health authorities said plasma of recovering patients could be employed to fight the disease.
業(yè)內(nèi)專家指出,從臨床病理發(fā)生過程看,大部分新冠肺炎患者經(jīng)過治療康復(fù)后,身體內(nèi)會產(chǎn)生針對新冠病毒的特異性抗體(antibodies for the novel coronavirus),可殺滅和清除病毒。
Seven patients are receiving treatment using the therapy at Jiangxia First People's Hospital, in Wuhan's Jiangxia district, Liu Bende, vice-president of the hospital, said.
Twelve to 24 hours after the therapy, patients have seen a decline in indicators of inflammation and a hike in lymphocytes, among other favorable turns.
"Of the patients, those in serious condition have not deteriorated so far, while those in a milder condition have showed improvement," he said. "In general, we have not seen serious side effects or complications due to the therapy."
Cured patients have to meet certain criteria before donating plasma. "First, donors must be in good health… we won't collect their plasma forcefully," Shen said. "They must donate voluntarily."
Plasma from patients with chronic diseases cannot be used, even if they have recovered from novel coronavirus pneumonia.
金銀潭醫(yī)院院長張定宇表示,建議康復(fù)者在治愈兩周后參加捐獻(xiàn)(donate plasma two weeks after full recovery),這樣能保證他體內(nèi)的病毒已經(jīng)得到很好地清除。
野生動物違規(guī)交易 illegal trade of wild animals

Sites used to breed wild animals will be placed under strict isolation, and nearby warning signs are now required, according to an announcement by the five departments released on Friday.
Furthermore, trade or transportation of wild animals and related products are prohibited in both brick and mortar stores and e-commerce platforms. Exceptions are only made for fished aquatic products.
The announcement said any store that breaks the law will be closed, and anybody illegally trading or transporting wild animals will receive heavier punishment in accordance with related laws and regulations.
1月26日,為嚴(yán)防新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎疫情,阻斷可能的傳染源和傳播途徑,市場監(jiān)管總局、農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部、國家林草局決定,即日起至全國疫情解除期間,禁止野生動物交易活動(impose a temporary ban on the trade of all wild animals across the country)。
In Yunnan province, 2,351 wild animal farms have been temporarily closed to the public, and all administrative approvals related to wild animals have been suspended.
By Feb 11, the Yunnan forestry security department had handled 186 cases of illegal wild animal trading with 20 suspects being held and 1,405 live animals caught.

流行病學(xué)特征 epidemiological characteristics
2月17日,中國疾病預(yù)防控制中心新型冠狀病毒肺炎應(yīng)急響應(yīng)機(jī)制流行病學(xué)組在《中華流行病學(xué)雜志》上發(fā)表新冠肺炎最新研究《新型冠狀病毒肺炎流行病學(xué)特征分析(the epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases)》。
It finds that 80.9% of infections are classified as mild, 13.8% as severe and 4.7% as critical. The number of deaths among those infected, known as the fatality rate, remains low but rises among those over 80 years old.
Looking at the sex ratio, men are more likely to die (2.8%) than women (1.7%).
The study also identifies which existing illnesses put patients at risk. It puts cardiovascular disease at number one, followed by diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and hypertension.
The paper says that a total of 3,019 health workers have been infected, 1,716 of which were confirmed cases. Five had died by February 11.
The study suggests that the downward trend in the overall epidemic curve could mean that "isolation of whole cities, broadcast of critical information (e.g., promoting hand washing, mask wearing) with high frequency through multiple channels, and mobilization of a multi-sector rapid response teams is helping to curb the epidemic".

診療方案 treatment plan
The latest version of the plan abolished different epidemic-related standards inside and outside the epicenter of Hubei province, and will only identify "suspected cases" and "confirmed cases" across the country.
具體來看,第六版診療方案將“經(jīng)呼吸道飛沫和接觸傳播是主要的傳播途徑”改為“經(jīng)呼吸道飛沫和密切接觸傳播是主要的傳播途徑(the main transmission route is droplet transmission and close contact transmission)。”“接觸”前增加“密切”二字。增加“在相對封閉的環(huán)境中長時間暴露于高濃度氣溶膠情況下存在經(jīng)氣溶膠傳播的可能(aerosol transmission of the novel coronavirus is possible if one is exposed to a highly concentrated mixture in an enclosed area for an extended period)?!?/span>
臨床表現(xiàn)上,重癥患者嚴(yán)重者除了“快速進(jìn)展為急性呼吸窘迫綜合征(develop rapidly into Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)、膿毒癥休克(septic shock)、難以糾正的代謝性酸中毒(difficult-to-tackle metabolic acidosis)和出凝血功能障礙(bleeding and coagulation dysfunction)”外,還可出現(xiàn)“多器官功能衰竭(multiple organ failure)”。
此外,在重癥、危重癥病例的治療(treatment of patients displaying serious or critical symptoms)中,對康復(fù)者血漿治療(infusions of blood plasma from recovered patients)的適用癥和用法、用量進(jìn)一步細(xì)化。
值得注意的是,診療方案還增加了“出院后注意事項”,患者出院后,因恢復(fù)期機(jī)體免疫功能低下,有感染其他病原體風(fēng)險,應(yīng)繼續(xù)進(jìn)行14天自我健康狀況監(jiān)測(recovered patients should monitor health conditions and continue to quarantine themselves for 14 days),佩戴口罩,有條件的居住在通風(fēng)良好的單人房間,減少與家人的近距離密切接觸,分餐飲食,做好手衛(wèi)生,避免外出活動。建議在出院后第2周、第4周到醫(yī)院隨訪、復(fù)診(at the second and fourth week after being discharged, they are supposed to revisit the hospital and undergo a checkup)。

減免企業(yè)社會保險費 cut corporate contributions to social insurance

To help enterprises withstand the epidemic and stabilize employment, the country will cut corporate contributions to the old-age pension, unemployment and workplace safety insurance funds by at least 500 billion yuan this year, according to You Jun, vice-minister of human resources and social security.
我國的社保制度(social insurance system)由五險一金組成。所謂五險一金,即養(yǎng)老保險(endowment insurance)、醫(yī)療保險(medical insurance)、失業(yè)保險(unemployment insurance)、工傷保險(employment injury insurance)和生育保險(maternity insurance),及住房公積金(housing provident fund)。

Nationwide micro, small-and medium-sized enterprises-as well as all types of enterprises in Hubei province, the outbreak epicenter-will be eligible for exemption of the old-age pension, unemployment and workplace safety insurance payments from February to June.
Large enterprises outside Hubei will see their contributions halved from February to April.
Companies undergoing severe difficulties due to the epidemic are eligible for the deferral of the three types of social insurance payments for as long as six months.No overdue fine will be charged during this period.
Before the end of June, companies may also apply for deferring their payments to the housing provident fund. Failure by employees to repay their housing provident fund loans due to the epidemic will not be taken as a default.

一線醫(yī)護(hù)人員 frontline medical workers
Front-line medical workers in Hubei province, including those with medical assistance teams from other parts of the country, will have their salaries tripled during the epidemic control fight, and subsidies for them will be further boosted, according to the document.

Streamlined procedures to facilitate compensation for work-related infections will be provided.

Front-line medical workers who have participated in epidemic prevention and control will be given preference in cases of getting promotions or applying for professional titles.

Clean and nutritious meals should be provided, together with comfortable living environment and commuter services.

The circular also stressed that demand for protective equipment at designated hospitals, fever clinics and quarantine facilities must be prioritized.

Medical workers will take mandatory rest after long working hours, their paid vacation days should be increased after the epidemic.

Medical workers will receive mental health consultation.

Family members of medical workers who have difficulties in their daily lives will receive greater support, according to the circular. They will gain improved access to medical care, and community officials will be responsible for providing assistance to them, including their children.

We should safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of medical workers.

We should award outstanding medical workers and honor those who died fighting the epidemic as martyrs, and give preferential treatment to their children in school enrolling.
景區(qū)實名制購票 real-name ticketing at scenic spots

The guidelines required real-name ticketing, registration of tourists' contact and travel information and big data-powered monitoring of tourist information as scenic attractions have gradually started reopening to the public.
各地恢復(fù)開放的景區(qū)應(yīng)嚴(yán)控游客流量(control tourist volume),有效采取門票預(yù)約、智慧引導(dǎo)等手段,科學(xué)分流疏導(dǎo)游客,防止人員聚集(avoid crowds)。
應(yīng)采取分時段、間隔性辦法安排游客入園(allow tourists admission during different time periods),景區(qū)出入口(entrances and exits of scenic spots)、重要參觀點(hot tourist spots)等容易出現(xiàn)人員聚集的位置要配備管理人員,加強(qiáng)游客秩序管理。
指南鼓勵各景區(qū)采取互聯(lián)網(wǎng)售票(online ticketing)、二維碼驗票(check in with QR code)等方式減少人員接觸,游客在測量體溫、佩戴口罩后方可入園(tourists should have their temperatures taken and wear masks before entrance)。
對發(fā)現(xiàn)疑似病例的景區(qū),要立即采取隔離措施(take quarantine measures),加強(qiáng)密切接觸者追蹤(tracking close contacts)、疫點消毒工作(disinfection),并暫時關(guān)閉景區(qū),待情況得到控制后,再按程序報批恢復(fù)開放。
景區(qū)恢復(fù)開放前應(yīng)做好員工健康監(jiān)測和報告(monitor and report their employees' health conditions),掌握員工出行軌跡(travel records)等情況,對來自疫情嚴(yán)重地區(qū)的人員要實施隔離觀察,實行“一進(jìn)一測一登記”制度,進(jìn)入景區(qū)前須進(jìn)行體溫檢測。

碩士研究生擴(kuò)招 expand enrolment of postgraduates
he meeting decided to expand the enrolment of postgraduates and degree programs for junior college graduates, create more jobs in medical and social services at the community level, and strengthen support for micro and small enterprises to recruit more college graduates.
在國外大學(xué)招生的過程中,經(jīng)常會看到admission和enrolment這兩個詞,具體說來,admission指的是這個學(xué)校的招生條件,符合這個條件的學(xué)生都可以報考/申請這個學(xué)校,所以,admission一般指整個的招生錄取過程;而enrolment則指最后被學(xué)校錄取、學(xué)生入校注冊。當(dāng)然,admission在日常的使用中還有“準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)入(某地)”的意思,比如admission fee就是“入場費、門票費”。

A total of 3.41 million people took part in China's 2020 national entrance exam for postgraduate studies in Decembber, 510,000 more than last year, the Ministry of Education said. A record 8.74 million university students are expected to graduate this year.

引導(dǎo)用人單位推遲面試和錄取時間(postpone interviews and hiring),對延遲離校應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生推遲報到、落戶等時限(delay the registration time and settlement of hukou for graduates who defer their graduation)。
對離校未就業(yè)高校畢業(yè)生提供2年戶口和檔案托管(unemployed graduates can have their hukou and personal files held in trust for two years),按應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生身份辦理就業(yè)手續(xù)。
積極擴(kuò)大農(nóng)民工就業(yè)。加大穩(wěn)崗和就業(yè)補(bǔ)助。拓寬就地就近就業(yè)渠道(create more local or nearby jobs)。
新上一批帶動就業(yè)能力強(qiáng)的項目(a group of new projects providing a large number of posts will be approved)。
重大工程建設(shè)、以工代賑項目優(yōu)先吸納貧困勞動力(prioritize poverty-stricken workers in recruitment)。

共享員工 employee sharing

Several Chinese companies are temporarily hiring — or “sharing” — employees from businesses that haven’t resumed operations or are only partially operating due to concerns over the novel coronavirus epidemic. The so-called shared employees, known as gongxiang yuangong in Chinese, are being hired by supermarkets, e-commerce platforms’ retail stores, and other companies or factories to ease the workforce crunch.


According to domestic media outlet National Business Daily, more than 3,000 new employees had joined Hema as of Feb 19, while over 4,000 people had signed up for the “talent-sharing” plan under Suning’s logistics arm as of Feb 21. The American supermarket chain Walmart has also joined in the trend, hiring more than 3,000 temporary workers from other sectors to work at its branches in cities like Beijing, Fuzhou, and Shenzhen.


Bike-sharing company Hellobike has opened 8,000 positions nationwide for bicycle maintenance, according to state-owned Xinhua News Agency. In Hefei, capital of the eastern Anhui province, Hellobike is seeking 300 temporary workers, while 40 employees from a local hotel have started working at an industrial park on one-month contracts.

中南財經(jīng)政法大學(xué)數(shù)字經(jīng)濟(jì)研究院執(zhí)行院長盤和林指出,“共享員工(employee sharing)”在暫時勞動力過剩的傳統(tǒng)餐飲業(yè)與暫時勞動力緊缺的新興電商零售平臺之間激發(fā)了勞動共享,傳統(tǒng)餐飲企業(yè)、電商零售平臺和員工三方都解了燃眉之急(address the pressing need of traditional catering enterprises, e-commerce platforms and workers)。



Yao Junchang, a lawyer with Beijing Weiheng Law Firm, told Workers’ Daily that companies hiring temporary workers should include detailed provisions in their agreements, including the duration of employment, salary and policy for work-related injury compensation.

“At the same time, the companies lending the employees should sign a complete secondment arrangement, pay employees in full, and pay social security on time,” he said. “Employees should pay more attention to safety precautions and require a tripartite agreement or labor agreement to be signed during the temporary employment period and keep records as evidence.”

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